我们为何不提供免费咨询?Why We Don’t Give Free Consultations?




Every day, our patient, caring, and supporting staff answer calls from distressed individuals in need of “quick questions” for legal advice and guidance on immigration issues. Many callers are surprised to hear that they must actually pay for the attorney or RCIC’s time for the consultation. It has somehow become an expectation in our society that attorneys should voluntarily offer their service and advice to the clients at no charge in exchange for the possibility of getting paid for the case at a later time.

According to the company’s written policy, we do not offer free consultation or answer legal questions from non-clients. In fact, we’re not the only office who has this policy. This might seem like an insensitive policy, but it is designed to not only protect us but also to ensure the quality of our service.

When you are facing immigration or visa issues and are in need of legal advice, you may call around and look for free consultation. You probably will find a consulting firm that offers such service, but there is a catch – they will be giving you what is called a case evaluation. Basically, what this means is that an attorney or RCIC will listen to you and make a determination of whether or not they can help you and then explain the cost to retain. They will not give you legal advice, answer legal questions or get into the weeds of your case. Below I have listed a few of the top reasons for offering paid consultations:

便宜没好货 You get what you pay for




Experienced lawyers/RCIC who are in high demand usually don’t have the time to commit to working for free when they have important deadlines for existing clientele who have paid for legal services.

It’s tempting to think of a free consultation similarly to how you might grab a free sample of a meal at a food court. You can be confident that the General Tao’s Chicken at the end of that toothpick is going to taste exactly like the meal you’re about to order. Unfortunately, when it comes to immigration and visa, you really don’t know what you’re buying until it’s too late. By the time you realize that your lawyer/RCIC has made some serious errors due to lack of attention or experience, it’s usually too late.

Like most goods and services, the market price of a product or service will reflect whether it’s in high or low demand. The fact that your lawyer/RCIC is charging a consultation fee should signal that their time is actually worth paying for. On the other hand, when you’re paying nothing for a product or services, it will reflect on the value of what you receive.

您不会得到中肯的建议 You will get bad advice



In the immigration and visa business, there is no such thing as a “quick question.” If an attorney or RCIC gives you advice solely based upon a “quick question,” it is not based upon 100% of the information that we require to make an adequate and well-informed suggestion about your case. We have experienced plenty of situations in which the lack of or false information provided lead to unfavourable consequences that are out of our control.

To ensure the satisfaction of our paid clients, it’s in our best interest to minimize the interruption of our top-quality service on track. Therefore, when you call us without an appointment for a “quick question”, you are holding our business back from long-term growth.

“Quick” is usually professionally seen as the synonym for “free” in the industry, so we are actually losing money by answering your question. Fair or not, this means your attitude towards our service will most likely result in a snap judgment about you, which might be reflected in the quality of answers you receive.

您更有可能提供虚假信息 You will lie to us


People instinctively seek confirming information they want through communication (Most of the time, you just choose information about what you believe in). Your “quick question” is probably full of information good to you, but it is biased. Sometimes, it ignores some negative facts which each legal professional believes to make your case insured. Actually, it is difficult for you to offer us accurate facts through “quick question”. You pick up the facts that make you look good, but you ignore the facts that do harm to your case.

如果您是付费客户,您值得拥有我们的移民律师或持牌顾问竭诚为您服务 If you are a paying client, you deserve to have an attorney/RCIC who can properly focus on helping you.


  • 平均每年,我们每位移民专家需要耗费200小时提供免费咨询。这意味着200小时的时间耗损,无法为那些值得我们关注的付费客户提供服务;
  • 在这些免费咨询中,只要很少一部分(少于10%)真心希望寻求专业协助的的人,会最终成为我们的客户。在他们进行咨询预约前,就理解代理费的含义。我们的客户更多是来源于基于信誉与口碑的转介绍,他们中的很多人在到访前就已经决定会聘用我们成为代理。没有最终聘请移民代理的人主要由以下群体构成:⑴ 无意聘请移民代理,但希望尽可能多的获得免费的专业建议(习惯性白嫖党);⑵ 完全没有经济能力聘用移民代理;⑶ 他们希望能说服我们免费或对他们的案件进行价格减免;


Based on our past experience, free consultations during a short time will produce some issues:

  • Every immigration expert spent 200 hours providing free consultations every year, which meant the waste of 200 hours because the expert could not focus on those who deserve his or her attention.
  • A tiny percentage (less than 10%) of those became paid customers. Those were the people who were serious about their cases and understood the true meaning of service fees before the consultation. Many of those decided to choose our service before they arrived because they believed in us and our reputation. Some people refused our service due to the following reasons: ⑴ had no intention of retaining a legal professional but wanted to gather as much free legal advice as they could; ⑵ had not enough fund to get the service of a legal representation; ⑶ hoped to get free service or a big discount service;

Think about it, if a legal professional is truly exceptional at what she/he does, that attorney/RCIC will have enough clientele to sustain his/her time. That attorney does not have the need (nor time) to give away their talent, energy and time for free. If you expect your attorney to be focused, cost-efficient and energetic enough to pave your path towards immigration, that attorney’s time cannot be frivolously wasted on those who don’t pay for it.


