开放式工作许可 (开放式工签)Open Work Permits



Open work permits allow eligible foreign nationals to work for any employer in Canada.

The biggest advantage of holding an open work permit is the freedom to work in the occupation, or for the employer, of your choice. This comprehensive CanadaVisa page provides you with everything you need to know on open work permits in Canada.

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什么是开放式工作许可 What is an Open Work Permit?




Most foreign nationals who want to come to Canada to work must have legal authorization via a work permit. Open work permits are one of many types of work permits that allow foreign workers to legally work in Canada. Though, it should be noted that there are certain exemptions to the work permit requirements.

There are two types of work permits in Canada: closed work permits that are tied to a single employer and open work permits that allow foreign nationals to work in Canada for any number of employers and in various locations.

The biggest advantage of open work permits is that they allow for freedom of movement, whether it is between workplaces, employers, occupations or locations in Canada. Open work permits are exempt from some of the requirements associated with obtaining a permit to work in Canada. You do not need to have a job offer or a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to be eligible for an open work permit.

Some open work permits may, however, have additional requirements that must be met by foreign nationals. If applicable, these requirements will be indicated directly on your open work permit. Open work permits are most commonly issued through the following immigration programs:

Open work permits do not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

谁有资格申请开放式工签 Who can Apply for an Open Work Permit?


You may be eligible for an open work permit if you fall under one of the following categories:

  • You are an international student who has graduated from a designated educational institution (DLI) and is eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program;
  • You have applied for permanent residence in Canada under one of Canada’s immigration programs;
  • You are a dependent family member (e.g., spouse or common-law partner) of a person who has applied for permanent residence;
  • You are the spouse or common-law partner of a skilled worker;
  • You are the spouse or common-law partner of a master’s or doctoral degree student;
  • You are a temporary resident permit holder;
  • You are a refugee, asylum seeker, protected person or their family member;
  • You are under an unenforceable removal order;
  • You are a young worker participating in the Working Holiday program;
  • You are a student who is unable to meet the costs of studies;
  • You have a work permit specific to your employer and are being abused or are at risk of being abused in the course of your employment in Canada.



Foreign nationals in the following situations may be eligible to apply for an open work permit:

The exact eligibility requirements and application procedure varies depending on which of the above-mentioned situations a foreign national meet.

开放式工签申请条件 Eligibility Requirements for Open Work Permits

The eligibility requirements and application procedure differ depending on the specific situation of each individual. The following are examples of common reasons that can make one eligible for an open work permit:

  • Permanent residence applicants residing in Canada

You and your spouse or common law partner may be eligible for a Bridging Open Work Permit if you reside in Canada, have an expiring work permit and have submitted an application for permanent residence through a federal or provincial economic class program (Note: the BOWP is not available in Quebec, but alternative work permits exist in Quebec).

  • Spouses or common-law partners being sponsored under Inland Sponsorship

Spouses and common-law partners of Canadians or Permanent Residents may be granted an open work permit if they are being sponsored for permanent residence through Inland Sponsorship and meet eligibility criteria under that sponsorship immigration program.

  • Spouses or common law partners of temporary foreign workers

You may be eligible for an open work permit if you are the spouse or common law partner of temporary foreign worker who has employment in Canada in a job corresponding to Skill Level 0, A or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) for a period of at least six months and who resides or intends to reside in Canada.

国际学生的配偶或同居伴侣 Spouses or common-law partners of international students


  • 持有有效学签的国际学生,必须就读于以下学习项目之一:
    • 大学或理工学院的硕士或博士学位课程,
    • 下列大学开设的专业学位课程之一:
      • 牙科手术博士(DDS/DMD)
      • 法学学士或法学博士(LLB/JD/BCL)
      • 医学博士(MD)Doctor of Medicine (MD)
      • 验光博士(OD)Doctor of Optometry (OD)
      • 医药学(PharmD/BS/BSc,/BPharm)
      • 兽医学博士(DVM)
      • 护理学学士(BScN/BSN/BNSc)
      • 教育学学士 (B. Ed.)
      • 工程学学士(B. Eng./BE/BASc)
  • 国际学生的配偶或同居伴侣申请开放工签时候必须提供下列文件之一:
      • 指定院校(DLI)出具的有效录取信(LOA)
      • 指定院校出具的注册证明
      • 目前就读学习项目的成绩单
  • 向移民部提供国际学生与其配偶或同居伴侣的关系证明


  • 国际学生必须持有有效学签
  • 国际学生满足毕业工签(PGWP)申请条件
  • 全日制就读下列指定院校(DLI)之一:
    • 包括学院或大学在内的高等教育机构,或魁北克省的公立高等教育机构
    • 魁北克省的私立学院
    • 依据省级法律可以授予学士、硕士或博士学位的私立学校

To be eligible for an open work permit as a spouse or common-law partner of an international student, you cannot be a full-time student yourself. If an application has been made after March 19th, 2024, the following conditions must be met for your spouse to be eligible for an open work permit:

  • You must be studying in:
    • a master’s or doctoral degree program in a university or polytechnic institution or
    • one of the following professional degree programs at a university:
      • Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS, DMD)
      • Bachelor of Law or Juris Doctor (LLB, JD, BCL)
      • Doctor of Medicine (MD)
      • Doctor of Optometry (OD)
      • Pharmacy (PharmD, BS, BSc, BPharm)
      • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
      • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN, BSN, BNSc)
      • Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)
      • Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng., BE, BASc)
  • You must be able to provide proof of your relationship to IRCC

If an application for an open work permit has been made before March 19th, then all of the following conditions must be met:

  • You (the student) have a valid study permit
  • You’re eligible for a post graduation work permit (PGWP)
  • You’re a full-time student at one of these types of DLIs:
    • a public post-secondary school, such as a college or university, or CEGEP in Quebec
    • a private college-level school in Quebec
    • a Canadian private school that can legally award degrees under provincial law (for example, a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree)

国际毕业生及其配偶或同居伴侣 International Graduates and their spouses and common law partners


To be eligible for an open work permit, students who have graduated from a designated program of study in Canada must meet the requirements under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program. To be eligible for a PGWP, a foreign national must be at least 18 years of age and have studied full-time in Canada in a program of at least 8 months at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).

You may also be eligible for an open work permit if you are the spouse and common-law partner of a post-graduation work permit holder. These open work permits generally have a validity date that corresponds to the period during which their spouse is authorized to work in Canada.

加拿大国际体验计划参与者 International Experience Canada Participants


Participants in the International Experience Canada (IEC) program may also be able to obtain an open work permit under the Working Holiday category. IEC is open to young adults who are citizens of foreign countries which have reciprocal agreements with Canada. The eligible age range depends on the country, but is usually between 18 and 35 years old.

开放式工签的福利 Benefits of an Open Work Permit



  • 由于不遵守加拿大移民部条例而被列入不合规名单的雇主;
  • 定期提供脱衣舞、色情舞、伴游服务或色性按摩服务的风俗业雇主。

Open work permits are highly sought after for the freedom they give their holders. While most work permits are tied to a specific employer, an open work permit allows a foreign national to work for any employer in Canada and the freedom to move from location to location at their own discretion. By gaining Canadian work experience, many foreign nationals will improve their eligibility for Canadian permanent residency. As Canadian work experience is accrued, foreign nationals can monitor their eligibility for the following pathways to permanent residence:

Even with an open work permit, foreign nationals are not eligible to accept employment from the following categories of employers:

  • Employers listed as ineligible for having been non-compliant with IRCC regulations;
  • Employers regularly offering striptease, erotic dance, escort services, or erotic massages.

谁有资格申请开放式工作许可 Who is eligible



Foreign nationals in the following situations may be eligible to apply for an open work permit:

The exact eligibility requirements and application procedure varies depending on which of the above-mentioned situations a foreign national meet.

开放式工签的福利 Benefits of an Open Work Permit



  • 由于不遵守加拿大移民部条例而被列入不合规名单的雇主;
  • 定期提供脱衣舞、色情舞、伴游服务或色性按摩服务的风俗业雇主。

Open work permits are highly sought after for the freedom they give their holders. While most work permits are tied to a specific employer, an open work permit allows a foreign national to work for any employer in Canada and the freedom to move from location to location at their own discretion. By gaining Canadian work experience, many foreign nationals will improve their eligibility for Canadian permanent residency. As Canadian work experience is accrued, foreign nationals can monitor their eligibility for the following pathways to permanent residence:

Even with an open work permit, foreign nationals are not eligible to accept employment from the following categories of employers:

  • Employers listed as ineligible for having been non-compliant with IRCC regulations;
  • Employers regularly offering striptease, erotic dance, escort services, or erotic massages.

谁有资格申请开放式工作许可 Who is eligible



Foreign nationals in the following situations may be eligible to apply for an open work permit:

The exact eligibility requirements and application procedure varies depending on which of the above-mentioned situations a foreign national meet.


