子女或其他受抚养人团聚 Child or Other Dependant Sponsorship




Through Family Class Sponsorship, Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have dependent or adopted children living abroad can sponsor them to immigrate to Canada.

Dependent children, whether biological or adopted, can be sponsored to live with their parent(s) as permanent residents in Canada. This includes the right to study and work in Canada.

This comprehensive page provides you with all the information you need to understand the process of sponsoring your child for immigration to Canada.

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受抚养子女的定义 Definition of a Dependant Child



To be eligible for sponsorship, children must meet the definition of a dependent child. Whether they are the biological or adopted child of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, a child is considered to be a dependent if they are not married or in a common-law relationship and are under the age of 22.

A child over the age of 22 will be considered a dependent if they suffer from a physical or mental condition that prevents them from being able to support themselves.

我是否可以担保我的子女?Am I Eligible to Sponsor my Child?


  • 年满18周岁;
  • 加拿大公民、在加拿大居住的永久居民、有意返回加拿大的永久居民,或是根据加拿大印第安人法案注册的印第安人;
  • 有足够经济能力满足自身、配偶(如适用)和子女的基本需求;
  • 能够提供与子女的关系证明;
  • 没有犯罪记录;
  • 没有身处监狱、被指控犯有严重罪行或破产;
  • 没有违反以往的担保承诺书;
  • 没有接受移民调查;
  • 除身患残疾外,没有领取政府经济援助。

To sponsor your child to come to Canada, you must:

  • be 18 years of age or older;
  • be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident living in Canada, intending to return to Canada, or a person registered under the Indian Act of Canada;
  • be able to provide for your basic needs and those of your dependent children as well as your spouse, if applicable;
  • be able to prove your relationship to your child
  • not have a criminal record;
  • not be in prison, charged with a serious offence, or bankrupt;
  • not be in default of a previous sponsorship undertaking;
  • not be under immigration investigation;
  • not be receiving income assistance, except for reasons of disability.

我的子女是否符合被担保要求?Does my Child Qualify for Sponsorship?


  • 加拿大公民或永久居民的亲生或领养子女;
  • 未婚或没有同居伴侣;
  • 未满22周岁。


  • 年满22周岁以前就在经济上依赖父母的支持;且
  • 由于身体或精神疾病不能自给自足。

To be eligible for sponsorship, children must fall under the definition of a dependant, meaning they are:

  • the biological or adopted child of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • are not married or in a common-law relationship;
  • are under the age of 22.

A child over the age of 22 may also qualify as a dependant providing, they meet the following two requirements:

  • they suffer from a physical or mental condition that prevents them from being able to support themselves;
  • they have depended on their parents for financial support since before the age of 22.

满足哪些条件才能担保子女?What are the Requirements for Sponsoring a Child?


As a sponsor, you will be required to sign an “undertaking” that contractually commits you to providing for your child’s basic needs, such as: housing, clothing, food, and medical expenses not provided by the public health system.

The length of the undertaking for biological dependent children or those to be adopted in Canada who are under 22 years of age is 10 years or until they reach 25 years of age, whichever comes first. For dependent children over the age of 22, the duration of the undertaking is 3 years.

子女团聚移民有哪些申请步骤?What are the steps to apply for Child sponsorship?


Applying to sponsor a foreign spouse or partner is a multi-step process. Here is an overview of the different application stages involved:

Step 1 . 从政府官网获取包含申请指南、说明表格和材料清单在内的申请材料包;
Obtain the application package found on the government website; it includes a guide, with instructions and forms as well as a checklist that will help you complete the process correctly.
Step 2. 线上缴付包括申请费、永居权费及生物采集等在内的政府费;
Pay all required application fees online (application fees, right of permanent residence fees, biometric fees).
Step 3. 填写并签署所有申请表;
Complete and sign all required forms.
Step 4. 按指南所示,将申请发送到相应的加拿大签证中心;
Send your application to the right visa office and mailing address in Canada by following the instructions provided in the guide you downloaded.
Step5. 审理期间可能会被要求补料;
While the application is under review, you may be asked to submit additional supporting documents.

子女团聚常见问题 Frequently Asked Questions

1). 如何确定我的子女是主申请人还是受抚养人?How do I know if my child is a "principal applicant" or a "dependant"?


  • 如果只担保子女而不担保配偶移民,子女将在团聚申请中并定性为主申请人。此种情况下,需要证明子女的另一位父母或法定监护人同意子女移民加拿大。
  • 如果被担保的子女有自己的子女,即你的孙子女,则被担保的孙子女在申请中被定性为受抚养人。
  • 如果同时担保配偶或同居伴侣及子女一同移民(无论是配偶自己的未成年子女,还是你们共同的子女),配偶或同居伴侣将被定性为主申请人,而子女作为受抚养人。
  • 如果担保领养子女或作为孤儿的家庭成员,则需参考领养子女团聚或孤儿家庭团聚的特定流程。

Depending on your circumstances, your child may be a principal applicant or a dependent on a sponsorship application:

  • If you are sponsoring only your child, without sponsoring your spouse or partner, you will name your child as the principal applicant on the application. In such a case, you will need to show that the other parent or legal guardian agrees to your child immigrating to Canada.
  • If the child you want to sponsor has a child of his or her own, your grandchild, you will need to include your grandchild as a dependant on the application.
  • If you are sponsoring your spouse or partner and a child (either his or her own child or a child you had together), you will name your spouse or partner as the principal applicant and the child as a dependent on the application.
  • If you want to sponsor your adopted child or an orphaned family member, you will need to refer to specific instructions for sponsoring your adopted child or an orphaned family member.

2). 哪些人符合受抚养子女的定义?Who qualifies as a "dependent child"?


To qualify as a dependant child when applying permanent residence in Canada, your child must be under 22 years and not have a spouse or partner.

If your child is over 22 years of age, they may qualify as a dependant if have depended on you for financial support since before they were 22 and can’t financially support themselves because of a mental or physical condition.

3). 我需要证明被担保人的担保资格吗?Will I have to prove that I am eligible to sponsor my child?


  • 被担保人在申请过程中所需的所有表格和材料文件
  • 在审理过程中,补交加拿大移民部要求的额外信息及文件(例如,体检和生物指纹采集)

Yes. To prove that the eligibility requirements are met, your dependent child and if your dependent child has dependent children of their own, will need to provide:

  • all required forms and documents with their application
  • any additional documents or information that may be requested by IRCC during the processing of the application, such as medical exams and biometric data.

4). 我可以担保年满22周岁的子女移民吗?Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit?


  • 年满22周岁以前就在经济上依赖父母的支持;且
  • 由于身体或精神疾病不能自给自足。

Yes, but only if your child has:

  • depended on you for financial support since before the age of 22, and
  • is unable to support himself or herself due to a mental or physical illness.

5). 子女在永居审理期间年满22周岁,会失去移民资格吗?If my child turns 22 while the application is being processed, does that make them ineligible?


No. IRCC “locks” the information in an application so that it does not change over time, no matter how long it takes to process. Your child’s age “lock date” for Family Class applications will be the date that IRCC receives your complete application for permanent residence.

6). 子女担保移民的审理周期是多久?What are the processing times for child sponsorship application?


Processing times may vary depending on the child’s country of origin or residence. Processing times are generally approximately 12 months but may take longer.

7). 我该如何避免担保子女移民申请延误?What can I do to avoid delays on my child's sponsorship application?


The best way to avoid delays in processing your application is to ensure that your contact information and application details are current, accurate and complete. Any changes in your living situation or contact information should be reported to IRCC immediately.

8). 我是否可以查看子女担保移民申请进度?Can I check the status of my child's sponsorship application?


Yes, as a sponsor if you wish to check the status of your child’s application. Once you have submitted your application, you can check its status on the IRCC website.

9). 加拿大公民在境外出生的子女是否需要移民?What if I'm a Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada?



If at least one parent (legal parent at birth or biological parent) was born in Canada or became a Canadian citizen before the child was born, your child may already be a Canadian citizen. However, if your adopted child was born outside Canada, he or she is not automatically a Canadian citizen.

To find out for sure, you can apply for a citizenship certificate for your child.

10). 我已经获得永居身份,现在添加我的未成年子女到我的移民申请是否已经太迟?I have already obtained permanent resident status; is it too late to add my dependent child to my application?


If you have already become a permanent resident of Canada, you will not be able to add a dependent child to your application. If you wish to sponsor your dependant for immigration to Canada, you and your child will have to meet the sponsorship eligibility criteria for Family Class immigration.

11). 我正在处理一个子女,是否要在彻底完成领养程序后才能申请养子女担保移民?I am adopting a child. Do I have to wait until the adoption process is finalized before submitting a sponsorship application?


Individuals whose adoption proceedings are in the final phases of processing may begin sponsoring their child before the adoption has been finalized. It is important to note that Canada has a separate procedure for sponsoring adopted children.

12). 我的受抚养子女是否需要进行体检并通过背调?Will my dependent child require medical and background check?


All dependent children who are included in a sponsorship application must pass any applicable police and security checks and medical examinations.


