
  • 如果您希望聘用法律代理人向联邦移民部递交移民或签证申请,根据加拿大现行法律,只有信誉良好的加拿大律师公会执业律师、加拿大移民监管委员会持牌移民顾问有权收费作为代理。
  • 如果您希望聘用法律代理人向魁北克省移民部递交移民或签证申请,根据魁北克省现行法律,只有信誉良好的魁省律师公会执业律师、魁省移民监管委员会特许持牌移民顾问有权收费作为代理。
  • 除自行或委托直系亲属递交签证及移民申请外,《加拿大移民法》第91条规定,只有信誉良好的执业律师、法学院学生及持牌移民顾问,有权作为有偿移民申请的法律代理人。

政府数据显示,在递交签证及移民申请时,聘用移民律师或移民顾问作为法律代理人获批率显著增高。优途安加签证移民事务所旗下运营的Utoimmigration.com 聘用一支经验丰富、积极参与行业活动、由移民律师及移民顾问组成的法律团队,作为代理处理签证及移民事务。相关行业从业经验叠加,超过50年。

The rights of applicants applying for immigration status to Canada are often enhanced when represented by effective legal counsel.

  • If you intend to hire the services of a professional to represent your interests before the Canadian immigration authorities, only Attorneys who are members in good standing of a Canadian Law Society or Consultants who are licensed by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) are permitted to act as your representative under Canadian law.
  • If you intend to hire the services of a professional to represent your interests in Quebec immigration matters, only Attorneys who are members in good standing of the Quebec Law Society (the Barreau du Québec), or Consultants who are licensed by the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Integration are permitted to act as you representative under Quebec law.
  • Section 91 of the Immigration Act authorizes lawyers in good standing of a law society, Students-at-law and Immigration Consultants to represent your interests.

Government statistics show that lawyers and licensed consultants have a higher success rate than individuals who apply to Canada themselves. Utoimmigration.com, through UTOI Immigration Services Inc., employs a highly seasoned team of actively practicing licensed representatives with a combined experience of more than 50 years in immigration matters.


