加拿大大西洋移民项目 Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP)



The Atlantic Immigration Program offers permanent residence to skilled workers that want to settle in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, or Prince Edward Island.

This comprehensive page provides you with an overview of the Atlantic Immigration Program.

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大西洋移民项目概述 Overview



The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) is designed to welcome additional newcomers to the Atlantic Canada region to fill the needs of local employers and communities. The Atlantic provinces include Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The program allows designated local employers to identify, recruit and retain global talent. The program also has the goals of supporting population growth, developing a skilled workforce, and increasing employment rates in the region.

The AIP has proven to be a major success for immigrants, employers, and the Atlantic region. It continues to provide permanent resident status to thousands of immigrants each year, which addresses the needs of local employers, and promotes population, labour force, and economic growth.

大西洋移民项目办理流程 How does AIP works?

大西洋移民项目是针对大西洋四省的移民计划。作为一个雇主驱动的移民项目,旨在吸纳技术性新移民和国际毕业生、促进加拿大经济增长和解决劳动力市场短缺问题。该移民项目最大优势可以归纳为:1). 语言要求低(最低需要达到加拿大语言水平4级,即雅思G类,听/读/口/写 = 4.5/3.5/4.0/4.0);2). 审理时间短:联邦审批阶段 6-12 个月;3). 累积工时少:中、高技能工作者仅需在过去3年内累计工作1年;4). 申请成功率高:2017年3 月开放,2022年成为永久性项目,仍属较新的项目,成功率较高;5). 学历要求低:最低只需高中学历。


  • 获得来自当地指定雇主的工作邀请;
  • 获得省政府背书信;
  • 承诺在临时工作许可获批后的90天内递交永居申请。

The Atlantic Immigration Program is an employer-driven program that facilitates the hiring of foreign nationals. All principal applicants arriving in Canada under the program must have a job offer from a designated employer and an individualized settlement plan for themselves and their family.

Once a designated employer finds a candidate who meets their employment needs and the program criteria, that employer will need to first offer them a job. Employers do not need to go through the process of obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Once the candidate has accepted the job, the employer will connect the candidate with a designated settlement service provider organization for a needs assessment and to develop a settlement plan. Employers will also support the long-term integration of the new immigrant and his or her family, if applicable, so they can reach the goals of their settlement plan once they arrive in Canada.

Employers that need to fill a job vacancy quickly will have access to a temporary work permit, so that the candidate and his or her family can come to Canada as soon as possible. In order to obtain this work permit, candidates will need:

  • a valid job offer;
  • a letter from the province; and
  • a commitment to apply for permanent residence within 90 days of the temporary work permit application.

主申请人 Applicant

STEP1. 匹配雇主,收到工作邀请,1-2个月
STEP2. 需求评估 + 搬家安置,2-3个月
STEP3. 收到省认证信,2-3个月
STEP4. 递交联邦申请永久居民,12-18个月

雇主 Employer

STEP1. 申请成为指定雇主,1-2个月
STEP2. 招聘员工,2-3个月
STEP3. 申请认证,2-3个月

申请通道要求对比 Requirements for AIP Streams

加拿大大西洋移民项目申请条件的核心是,有大西洋省份指定雇主(Designated employer)的至少1年的工作邀请,该工作邀请不要求与所学专业相关,也不需要申请劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA,Labour Market Impact Assessment),只要申请人自身的条件满足该职业的任职要求即可,任职要求在加拿大国家职业分类(NOC)具体职业中有所说明。


  1. 已经获得加拿大大西洋省份指定雇主工作邀请的技术工人(技术类别);
  2. 在加拿大大西洋省份完成 2 年高等教育课程并在大西洋省份获得指定雇主录用函的国际留学生(国际留学生类别)。


  1. 大西洋高技能移民项目 Atlantic High-Skilled Program(AHSP)
  2. 大西洋中等技能移民项目 Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program(AISP)
  3. 大西洋国际留学毕业生移民项目 Atlantic International Graduate Program(AIGP)


要求 政府官网要求 解读
语言要求 CLB4(Level 4 of the Canadian Language Benchmark in English or the Niveau de compétence Linguistique Canadien in French) 即雅思G类听/读/写/说达到 4.5/3.5/4.0/4.0,与联邦技术移民里配偶加分的要求相同。
雇主要求 offer full-time Job Offer from a designated employer 收到加拿大大西洋省份的全职指定雇主录用函
文件要求 Letter of Provincial endorsement 获得大西洋具体省份移民局的背书
每个具体类别对雇主 Offer 的提名职业、劳动合同期限、相关工作经验、申请人学历有不同要求

三种申请通道要求对比 AIP Streams Comparison

高技能项目(AHSP) 中技能项目(AISP) 国际留学生项目(AIGP)
雇主录用函要求 NOC 0/A/B 类非季节性一年以上全职合同 NOC 0/A/B/C 类非季节性永久全职合同 NOC 0/A/B/C 类非季节性一年以上全职合同
工作经验要求 最近 36 个月内至少 12 个月相关工作经验,可在加拿大境外完成
学历要求 高中及以上学历,加拿大境外的学历需完成学历认证 在大西洋四省指定教育机构全职学习并完成 2 年专、本或以上学历
语言要求 根据 NOC 0/A/B/C 类工作岗位要求有所不同,最低要求 CLB4
递交文件要求 需提交省认证信
省认证信获取要求 语言能力证明,CLB4 及以上
  • 指定雇主:所有的雇主需要向省移民局申请成为指定雇主,唯一硬性条件是,在本省注册两年以上且没有更换过所有权的公司;
  • 省认证信:在申请永久居民身份之前,申请人的雇主录用函必须先由大西洋省移民局认证,如果认证成功,省移民局将签发背书,该背书是支持申请人申请永久居民身份的必备文件。

工作经验要求 Work Experience Requirements

国际留学生类别对申请人没有工作经验要求。而对技术工人类别要求最少近3年内至少1年同一职业,可以是不同雇主的符合加拿大国家职业分类技能级别NOC0/A/B/C 的等同全职工作经验,工作可以是兼职或不连续的每周 30 小时累计一年达到 1560 小时即可。工作经验不要求是加拿大的工作经验。高技能类别需要近3年内有1年0/A/B 类工作经验,中等技能类别只需要近3年内一年 NOC C 类技能级别职业。如果同时满足这两类的要求,那么按照高技能类别申请。

You must have worked at least one year (1,560 hours total or 30 hours per week) within the last three years. It can be full-time, non-continuous, or part-time, as long as it adds up to 1,560 hours. The work must be:

  • in one occupation (but can be with different employers)
  • paid (volunteering or unpaid internships do not count)
  • at skill type/level 0, A, B, or C of the National Occupational Classification (NOC)

Workers apply as either high-skilled workers or intermediate-skilled workers. High-skilled workers need their one year of work experience to be at skill type/level 0, A, or B. Intermediate-skilled workers need their one year of work experience to be at the skill level C. If you are eligible to apply for both, apply as a high-skilled worker.

学历要求 Education Requirements


国际留学生类别的申请人,需要在大西洋四省认可的公立院校完成至少 2 年全日制高等教育、毕业后一年内提交申请、申请前的 2 年内在大西洋四省中的一个省份最少居住 16 个月,同时持有合法签证和停留许可。英语或法语语言课程不能超过总课程的一半,远程教育不被认可。国家基金支持的公费留学申请人毕业后要求回国的不能申请该移民项目。

Workers – You must have:

  • a Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree, or
  • a foreign degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship education credential. You need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to make sure it is valid and equal to a Canadian credential.

International graduates – You must have:

  • a minimum 2 year degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship credential from a [recognized publicly-funded institution in an Atlantic province]
  • been a full-time student in Canada for at least two years
  • graduated in the last 12 months when you apply
  • lived in one of the Atlantic provinces for at least 16 months in the last 2 years before you graduated
  • had the visa or permit needed to work, study or train in Canada

Your study or training program cannot be:

  • English or French second language courses for more than half of the program, or
  • distance learning undertaken for more than half the length of the program.

You can’t apply if you had a scholarship or fellowship requiring you to return to your home country after you graduate.

定居及资金要求 Residency, Settlement Fund Requirements

由于大西洋移民项目申请人已经获得大西洋省份的雇主录用函,登录之后会有稳定的工作收入。因此,该项目对定居资金的要求比较低。一般而言,一家三口只需不到 CA$5,000 加币,具体数额见下表,每年都会有所微调,幅度不会太大。

申请人数(包括不随行家庭成员) 资金要求(加元)
1 $3075
2 $3828
3 $4706
4 $5714
5 $6481
6 $7309
7 or more $8138

雇主要求 Employer Requirements


  • 企业不违反移民和难民保护法 IRPA 或移民和难民保护条例 IRPR;
  • 信誉良好并遵守就业标准和职业健康与安全法规;
  • 不得以建立候选人才库以便之后调任或外包给不同的企业为目的来招聘或雇佣工人;
  • 在大西洋省份对同一企业进行持续、积极的运营至少2年,或在申请成为指定雇主的省份批准的情况下,能够在其他地方进行持续、积极的运营;
  • 与定居服务商组织合作,帮助其雇员获得定居服务;
  • 承诺参加免费的入职培训;
  • 承诺参加免费的跨文化能力培训,除非该雇主被省政府豁免;
  • 无需申请劳动力市场影响评估 LMIA

Employers interested in participating in the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program must apply to become designated employers. As a designated employer, a business will have the ability to hire foreign nationals without obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). Designated employers are required to assist employees hired through the pilot with settlement in their province of residence.
Employer Designation

In order to hire foreign nationals through the Atlantic Immigration Program, first an employer must apply to be officially designated. In order to become designated, the employer may apply directly to the province where the business for which they want to hire foreign nationals is located. The employer will have to demonstrate that they are in good standing with any provincial regulatory bodies. They will also have to submit a description of their labour needs, including their reason for hiring international workers.

Finally, designated employers must demonstrate that they can provide settlement support to the workers they hire through the Atlantic Immigration Program. In order to obtain applications to become a designated employer, businesses can consult the immigration webpages of the Atlantic provinces: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.




工作邀请要求 Job Offer Requirements

申请加拿大大西洋移民项目的基本要求是,已经获得大西洋省份被认可雇主的最少一年的全职雇主录用函,不能是季节性的。中等技能类别要求是永久的,高技能类别和国际学生类别则要求是 1 年以上工作合同。

中技能类别和国际学生类别允许的雇佣职业类别是 NOC0/A/B/C 类,高技能类别允许的职业类别是 NOC0/A/B类,C 类别不可以。申请人获得雇主 Job Offer 后可以先申请工签尽快开始工作,过程中申请移民

You must have a job offer that is:

  • from a designated employer in an Atlantic province (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island)
  • non-seasonal
  • reviewed by the province

Your job offer does not need to be in the same occupation as your past work experience. However, you need to meet employment requirements for the job you are offered. The requirements are listed in the NOC. The employer does not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment.

Job offers for high-skilled workers must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, or B
  • last at least one year
Job offers for intermediate-skilled workers must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
  • be indeterminate (permanent)
Job offers for international graduates must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
  • last at least one year

合规院校名单 AIP School List

公立院校名称 Publicly-funded Institutions 省份 Province
新不伦瑞克社区学院 Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick NB
森林技术海事学院 Maritime College of Forest Technology NB
蒙特爱立森大学 Mount Allison University NB
新不伦瑞克工艺设计学院 NB College of Craft and Design NB
新不伦瑞克社区学院 NB Community College NB
圣托马斯大学 Saint Thomas University NB
蒙克顿大学 Université de Moncton NB
新不伦瑞克大学 University of New Brunswick NB
北大西洋学院 College of the North Atlantic NL
纽芬兰纪念大学 Memorial University of NL NL
阿卡迪亚大学 Acadia University NS
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology NS
卡普顿大学 Cape Breton University NS
达尔豪斯大学 Dalhousie University NS
圣文森特大学 Mount Saint Vincent University NS
新斯科舍艺术与设计学院 NS College of Art and Design NS
新斯科舍社区学院 NS Community College NS
圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学 Saint Francis Xavier University NS
圣玛丽大学 Saint Mary’s University NS
圣安娜大学 Université Sainte-Anne NS
国王大学学院 University of Kings College NS
索邦学院 Collège de l’Île PEI
加拿大荷兰学院 Holland College PEI
爱德华王子岛大学 University of PEI PEI

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