

Complete the following questionnaire and find out if you are eligible to sponsor a member of your family.

加拿大团聚移民评估表 Family Class Sponsorship Evaluation Form

加拿大团聚移民评估表 Family Class Sponsorship Evaluation Form

个人信息 Personal Information

担保你的配偶、未婚夫妻或同居伴侣 Sponsor your spouse/fiancé/common-law/conjugal partner

如果希望担保你的配偶、未婚夫妻或同居伴侣,请填写下表。If you wish to sponsor your spouse/fiancé/common-law/conjugal partner, please provide the following information.

如果是 if Yes:

如果不是 if No:

如果未领取结婚证且在过去12个月内没有同居 If not married, nor living together for the last 12 months:

担保你的子女 Sponsor your child

如果希望担保你的子女。If you wish to sponsor your child, please provide the following information.

担保你的父母 Sponsor your parents

如果希望担保你的父母,请提供以下信息。If you wish to sponsor your parent, kindly provide the following information.

其他信息 Other

上传简历 Upload CV