跨国公司内部调派 Intra-Company Transfers to Canada: How to Get a Work Permit



Foreign businesses with a parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate in Canada have the option to bring key personnel to Canada through an Intra-Company Transfer.

Companies do not need to complete the Canadian government’s labour market assessment to transfer employees to Canada.

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跨国企业内部调动概览 Intra-Company Transfers Overview



Canada’s International Mobility Program outlines provisions to enable high-skilled foreign nationals to work temporarily in Canada as intra-company transferees. If a foreign national is an employee of a multinational company in a location outside of Canada, they may be eligible to obtain an LMIA-exempt work permit to transfer to one of the company’s locations within Canada. The intra-company transferee rule applies to all countries.

With a small number of exceptions, all foreign nationals wishing to work in Canada must obtain a Canadian work permit. In most cases, in order to apply for a work permit, a foreign national must be issued a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from a Canadian employer. The intra-company transfers stream of the International Mobility Program enables foreign nationals to obtain a work permit without an LMIA.

你知道吗 Did you know?


Foreign nationals from many countries are eligible to work in Canada temporarily through International Experience Canada. Learn more about this program and find out if you may be eligible!

In order to qualify for an LMIA-exemption as an intra-company transferee, both the employee and the company have to meet several requirements.

对跨国企业的一般性要求 General Requirements for the Multinational Company

  • 加拿大境内与境外商业体之间必须具备下列关系之一:母公司、子公司、分公司或附属机构。
  • 加拿大境内与境外的商业体之间必须存在业务往来。意味着两者间会有规律地、持续地提供产品或服务。仅在加拿大开设一个办公地点不能满足这一要求。


  • The enterprise outside of Canada and the enterprise inside of Canada must have one of the following relationships: parent, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.
  • The two enterprises must be doing business. This means that they are regularly and continuously engaging in the provision of goods and services. The mere presence of a location in Canada will not be sufficient to meet this requirement.

If an applicant meets the above-mentioned criteria, they are eligible to submit a work permit application for an LMIA-exempt work permit. Depending on a foreign national’s country of residence and citizenship, work permit applications may be submitted at a Canadian Port of Entry (POE), at the appropriate Visa Application Centre (VAC), and/or online.

Certain countries have developed trade agreements with Canada which offer additional options for Intra-Company Transferees. Foreign nationals from countries covered by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), may consult those programs for additional options.

对调派员工的一般性要求 General Requirements for the Employee

  • 员工受雇于寻求进入加拿大市场的跨国企业,就职于该企业的母公司、子公司、分支机构或附属公司。
  • 员工即将就职的加拿大境内公司,必须具有本文后段中所述的合规资质。
  • 员工即将申请的工作岗位,必须符合高级行政岗位、高级管理岗位,或需要专业知识或技能的岗位。
  • 员工必须在过去3年内,在该企业全职工作至少1年。


  • Must be employed at a multinational company seeking entry to Canada to work at the company’s parent, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.
  • The enterprise in Canada must have a qualifying relationship as outlined below.
  • The employee must be applying to work in Canada in a position at the executive level, senior managerial level, or in a position requiring specialized knowledge.
  • Must have been employed with the company for at least 1 year (full-time) with the company within the previous 3 years.

Please note that the International Mobility Program utilizes the definitions outlined in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in identifying executive capacity, senior managerial capacity, and specialized knowledge as follows:

行政能力 Executive Capacity


  • 监管整个企业,或企业的主要事业部门,或企业某主要职能方向的管理;
  • 制定整个企业,或企业的主要事业部门,或企业某主要职能方向的目标;
  • 有权行使广泛的自由裁量权;且
  • 只接受企业高层管理人员、董事会或股东的一般性监管或指示。

In order to meet the definition of executive capacity, a position must meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • directs the management of the organization or a major component or function of the organization;
  • establishes the goals and policies of the organization, component, or function;
  • exercises wide latitude in discretionary decision-making; and
  • receives only general supervision or direction from higher level executives, the board of directors, or stockholders of the organization.

高级管理能力 Managerial Capacity


  • 管理整个企业、部门、分部,某项职能或企业的某个组成部分;
  • 监督管理其他具有监管职责、专业能力或管理权限的雇员;或管理企业中的某主要职能方向、企业部门或旗下分公司;
  • 有权聘用及解雇其他雇员,或针对诸如晋升、休假授权等在内的人事调整给予意见。如果其他员工直接受其监管,则需在企业组织层级或所管理的事业部门中担任高级职务;且
  • 有权对其他雇员被授权进行的日常工作活动行使自由裁量权。

In order to meet the definition of managerial capacity, a position must meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • manages the organization, or a department, subdivision, function, or component of the organization;
  • supervises and controls the work of other supervisory, professional, or managerial employees, or manages an essential function within the organization, or a department or subdivision of the organization;
  • has the authority to hire and fire or recommend those, as well as other, personnel actions (such as promotion and leave authorization); if no other employee is directly supervised, functions at a senior level within the organization hierarchy or with respect to the function managed; and
  • exercises discretion over the day-to-day operations of the activity or function for which the employee has the authority.

专业知识 Specialized Knowledge


  • 专有知识:企业特有的与其产品或服务相关的专业知识。意味着企业并未将其专利外泄并授权其他企业仿制其产品或服务。
  • 高级专长:通过在该企业供职累积重要(即工作经验越长,知识越有可能“专业”)及近期(即最近5年内)的工作经验,从而获得的,可被用于为雇主的生产力产生重大贡献的专业知识。

In order to meet the definition of specialized knowledge, a position must require both proprietary knowledge and advanced expertise. These are defined through NAFTA as the following:

  • Proprietary Knowledge: “company-specific expertise related to a company’s product or services. It implies that the company has not divulged specifications that would allow other companies to duplicate the product or service.”
  • Advanced Expertise: “specialized knowledge gained through significant (i.e. the longer the experience, the more likely the knowledge is indeed “specialized”) and recent (i.e. within the last 5 years) experience with the organization and used by the individual to contribute significantly to the employer’s productivity.”

初创企业员工跨国调派 ICT work permits for start-up companies


  • 有能力支付启动运营的成本,并有能力支付员工薪酬。
  • 通过商业计划书,概述在加拿大开展业务所需配备的人员计划。
  • 证明已拥有或正在购买或租赁实体经营场所。
  • 如需将高管或经理调派加拿大时,需证明企业规模足够大,以匹配高管的管理职能。
  • 如需将具有特殊技能的员工派驻加拿大时,企业需证明其会在加拿大开展业务,并确保该工作由加拿大内部管理层领导。


Foreign businesses wishing to establish a Canadian enterprise may use the Intra-Company Transfer program to bring critical workers to the country for start-up operations. When applying for an ICT Start-Up visa, applicants must demonstrate their company’s ability to become established in Canada, which includes:

  • Evidence that the company can financially support the start-up costs of the operation and has the ability to compensate employees.
  • Preparing a business plan that outlines realistic plans for staffing the new operation and doing business in Canada.
  • Evidence that physical premises have been secured (or are in the process of being secured).
  • When transferring executives or managers to Canada the company needs to demonstrate it will be large enough to support executive or management functions.
  • When transferring a specialized knowledge worker the company must show it is expected to be doing business and also ensure the work is being directed by management inside Canada.

The ICT Start-Up program provides a one-year temporary work permit and may be renewed if the companies have maintained a qualifying relationship and have continued to actively do business. The new Canadian operations must also have been staffed.


