配偶开放式工签 Spouse Open Work Permit (SOWP)



If your spouse is currently working or studying in Canada, or if you have applied to be sponsored for permanent residence by your spouse or partner in Canada, you may be eligible for an open work permit.

The application procedure for the spousal sponsorship open work permit varies depending on the applicant’s status in Canada or the stage of their permanent residency application.

Engaging in any form of employment in Canada without the proper work permit is unlawful and can jeopardize future immigration applications.

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配偶开放式工签概览 Spousal Open Work Permit Overview

配偶开放式工签申请 Spouse Open Work Permit Application

常见问题 FAQ

什么是配偶开放式工签 What is a spouse open work permit?


A spouse open work permit allows the spouse of certain temporary Canadian permit holders to work anywhere in Canada, for any employer, with few restrictions.

可以申请配偶开放式工签 Who can apply for a spouse open work permit?


Individuals who have applied to be sponsored by their spouse, or those whose spouses are in Canada on a study or work permit may be able to apply for a spousal open work permit. The requirements for applying for a spousal open work permit depend on the type of status your spouse has in Canada. For information, use the table below:


Principal applicant’s occupational skill level requirement

Principal Applicant’s minimum work permit length

Spouses or common-law partners of Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) work permit holders
0, A or B
6 个月 months
Spouses or common-law partners of Quebec selection certificate (CSQ) holders
Any occupational skill level
6 个月 months
Spouses or common-law partners of provincial nominees
Any occupational skill level
6 个月 months
Spouses or common-law partners of bridging open work permit (BOWP) holders
Varies depending on program principal applicant applies under
6 个月 months
Spouses or common-law partners of open work permit holders other than BOWP (incl. PGWP, IEC)
0, A or B
无 n/a
Spouses or common-law partners of study permit holders
无 n/a 无 n/a
In Canada spousal/common-law sponsorship applicants
无 n/a 无 n/a

如果配偶或同居伴侣提供担保,我是否可以申请配偶开放式工签 Can I apply for an open work permit if my spouse or partner has applied to sponsor me?


  • 如果尚未递交配偶担保移民申请:担保申请、永久居留权申请以及开放式工作许可申请,可以通过纸质材料邮寄方式同时进行递交。确保申请中包含上述所有申请的必要文件、支持材料和及缴费证明。申请需提交至位于安大略省密西沙加市的案件处理中心。
  • 如果永久居留申请已经递交但尚未获得原则上批准:开放式工签申请可以通过纸质材料邮寄方式递交至位于阿尔伯塔省韦格勒维尔市的案件处理中心。
  • 如果永久居留申请已经获得原则上批准:开放式工签申请可以通过线上网上提交申请,也可以通过纸质材料邮寄方式递交至位于阿尔伯塔省韦格勒维尔市的案件处理中心。


In order to be eligible to apply for a spousal sponsorship open work permit, a foreign national must have applied for permanent residency sponsorship from within Canada through the in Canada stream of the spousal sponsorship program.

  • If you have not submitted your sponsorship application: The sponsorship, permanent residence, and open work permit applications may all be submitted together in a single envelope in hard copy. Ensure that all supporting documentation and required proof of payments for all applications are included. The applications should be submitted to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M), Ontario.
  • If your permanent residence application is submitted but has not yet received approval in principle: The open work permit application may be submitted in hard copy to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville (CPC-V), Alberta.
  • If your permanent residence application has been approved in principle: The open work permit application may be submitted online or in hard copy to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville (CPC-V), Alberta.

Approval in principle (AIP) means that a person’s permanent residence application has been cleared by IRCC as meeting the eligibility requirements, but the application has not yet passed through processing for medical exams and security/background checks. While this means the application has successfully passed through several stages of processing, permanent residency may still be denied after receipt of the AIP.

A foreign national must have valid status in Canada (visitor, student, worker, etc.) in order to submit a work permit application at the same time as their permanent residence application. If an applicant is out of status in Canada, they must wait until their permanent residence application has received approval in principle to submit their work permit application.

配偶开放式工签申请条件 Eligibility requirements for a spousal work permit and visa


  • 必须与作为主申请人的符合条件的外国公民、加拿大公民或永久居民拥有真实配偶或同居伴侣关系;
  • 必须以符合条件的外国公民,或加拿大境内配偶担保团聚移民项目申请人的配偶身份递交申请;且
  • 不存在刑事犯罪不准入境,或医疗疾病不准入境的情况。


In order to qualify for a spousal open work permit, you must meet certain minimum requirements, including:

  • Must be in a genuine relationship with a qualifying foreign national principal applicant, permanent resident, or citizen;
  • Must be eligible to apply as the spouse of a qualifying foreign national, or as an in Canada sponsorship applicant (see above); and
  • Are not criminally or medically inadmissible to Canada.

Additional criteria will vary depending on the category of SOWP you are applying under.

配偶开放式工签办理周期 How long does a spouse open work permit take to process?


The processing time for a spousal open work permit will depend on what type of permit your spouse applied for. To check the approximate processing time for a particular application, visit Canada’s dedicated webpage.

配偶开放式工签是否可以延期 Can a spouse open work permit be extended?


A SOWP is tied to the permit of the spouse, or ‘lead applicant’, and will only be valid for as long as the lead applicant’s permit. If your SOWP expires, you will need to reapply based on your spouse’s permit.

配偶开放式工签办理成本 Spouse open work permit fees


The fee for a spouse open work permit is $255 CAD – $155 for the processing fee, and $100 CAD for the open work permit holder fee.

婚后需要等多久才能办理配偶工签 How long does it take to get a work permit after getting married?


There is no minimum amount of time that an applicant must wait before applying for a permit after getting married.

持配偶工签可否在加拿大任意地点工作 Can I work anywhere in Canada on a spouse open work permit?


Holders of spouse open work permits may work anywhere in Canada, for any employer, with limited restrictions.

受养人可否加入配偶工签申请 Can I add my dependents on my spouse open work permit?


备注:Visitor Record,简称VR,也叫访客记录或者我们常说的旅游签延期。 它是一份可让您获得加拿大访客身份并允许您停留更长时间的文件。访客记录并非护照上的签证,因而不能混为一谈。 签证用于出入境加拿大,访客记录用于证明申请人在加拿大有合法停留身份。

While applying for a spousal open work permit, dependent children may also accompany the permit holder by applying for a visitor record.

如何申请配偶开放式工签 How to apply for a spouse open work permit


The spouse open work permit application procedure will differ depending on which type of spouse open work permit you need. The first step is determining which work permit is best for you. If you need help figuring out the application, simply contact us and a member of our team will assist you with scheduling a consultation.

何时申请配偶开放式工签 When to apply for a spouse open work permit


When you can apply for a spouse open work permit will depend on which category you are applying under. For more information on when you can apply, contact us to set up a consultation.

配偶开放式工签申请材料清单 Spouse open work permit document checklist


  • 收件确认函
  • 省提名状(如适用)
  • 魁省接收函(如适用)
  • 妥善填写的申请表
  • 加拿大合法身份证明
  • 配偶在加拿大的身份证明
  • 结婚证书或同居关系证明
  • 与主申请人的关系证明
  • 有效护照高清扫描件
  • 体检结果(如适用)
  • 政府费缴付证明

The documents required for a Canadian spouse work permit will depend on the category you are applying under. Applicants may need to provide the following documents as part of their work permit application:

  • Acknowledgement of Receipt (AOR) letter
  • Provincial nomination certificate (if applicable)
  • Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) (Quebec Acceptance Certificate) (if applicable)
  • Completed application forms
  • Proof of status in Canada
  • Proof of spouse’s status in Canada
  • Marriage certificate or proof of common-law status
  • Proof of relationship to the principal applicant
  • A valid copy of your passport
  • Medical exam results (if requested)
  • Proof of payment for applicable government fees

配偶开放式工签体检要求 Spouse open work permit medical request

申请配偶 工签的过程中,申请人可能被要求体检。如果需要,申请人可以选择提前进行体检,或在收到移民部提前要求后进行体检。体检必须由移民部认可的医师完成。申请人可以在移民部官网“查找指定医师”页面就近查询体检地点。

You may require a medical exam when applying for a spousal open work permit. If required, candidates may choose to take the medical exam upfront, or after receiving a medical exam request from IRCC. Upon receiving a request, you must complete the exam with a panel physician designated by IRCC. You can find a panel physician near you on IRCC’s Find a Panel Physician webpage.

配偶开放式工签资金要求 Spousal open work permit proof of funds requirement


Spousal open work permit candidates should be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds for their stay in Canada. If an officer is not convinced that an applicant will be able to support themselves while in Canada, this may result in a refusal.

配偶开放式工签如何续签 How to renew your spouse open work permit


It is not possible to renew a spousal open work permit. If your permit expires, but your spouse or partner still has eligible status in Canada, you may re-apply for a new SOWP.

如何查询配偶开放式工签申请状态 How to check your spouse open work permit application status


If you submitted your spousal open work permit application online, you may check the status through your account. If you submitted a paper-based application, you may check the status by linking it to an online IRCC account.

如何通过配偶开放式工签申请永久居留权 How can I transition from a SOWP to PR?


There are many options for candidates working in Canada to transition to permanent residence status. For a full evaluation of your options, start by completing our free online assessment form.

配偶开放式工签被拒原因 Why was my spouse open work permit refused?


  • 主申请人居住在加拿大境外:申请人的合规配偶必须居住在加拿大境内,申请人才能递交配偶工签申请。如果主申请人,即提供担保的合规配偶居住在加拿大境外,可能导致申请人的配偶工签被拒。
  • 无证据表明申请人的配偶正在就读加拿大指定教育机构:如果申请人作为国际留学生的配偶递交配偶工签申请,合规配偶必须提供足够证据表明其正在加拿大指定教育机构就读,并积极参加课程学习。如无法提供足够充分的支持材料,配偶工签可能遭拒。
  • 缺少资金证明:如果主审签证官不相信申请人和其配偶有足够资金支持申请人在加拿大境内的生活,申请可能遭拒。因此申请材料包含财务文件十分必要,促使签证官相信申请人在财务方面的稳定性。
  • 缺少工作证明:如果申请人的配偶持有有效工作许可,提供合规配偶加拿大的在职证明文件非常有必要。
  • 缺少与母国的紧密联系:申请加拿大临时居民身份时,必须让签证官相信申请人将在批复的合法居住期结束前离境。因此,提供申请人与其母国诸如房产、工作、子女等在内的紧密联系至关重要。如果无法让签证官相信申请人将在签证过期前离境,配偶工签可能遭拒。
  • 缺少真实关系证明:由于配偶开放式工作许可,是基于申请人与其合规配偶或同居伴侣的关系。因此,能够提供足够的真实关系证明非常重要。如果签证官不相信申请人与其配偶关系的真实性,配偶工签也可能被拒。

One of the main reasons spousal open work permits are refused is that the applicant is unable to demonstrate sufficient proof of their relationship to their eligible spouse. If your application was refused, contact us to learn more about your options. There are many reasons a spousal open work permit may be rejected. Here are six of the most common reasons:

  • Principal applicant is living outside Canada – Your spouse must be living inside Canada on eligible, legal status in order for you to apply for a spousal open work permit. If your spouse lives outside Canada, this may be a reason your application is refused.
  • No evidence that your spouse is attending a DLI – If you are applying for a SOWP as the spouse of a student, your spouse will need to provide sufficient evidence that they are studying at a Canadian Designated Learning Institute (DLI) and are actively enrolled in class. Excluding this documentation could result in a refusal.
  • Lacking proof of funds – If the officer reviewing your case is not convinced that you and your spouse will have sufficient funds to support your stay in Canada, your application may be refused. For this reason, it is important to include financial documents with your application that will satisfy the officer of your financial stability.
  • Missing proof of employment – If you are applying for a SOWP based on your spouse’s employment, it is important to provide documents that support their employment in Canada.
  • Insufficient ties to home country– When applying for temporary status in Canada, the officer must be satisfied that you will leave by the end of your authorized stay. For this reason, it is important to include proof of any ties you may have to your home country. If the officer is not convinced that you will leave Canada by the end of your authorized stay, your application may be refused.
  • Absence of proof of a genuine relationship – Since the spousal open work permit is based on your relationship to your spouse or common-law partner, it is important to provide sufficient proof of your genuine relationship. If the visa officer is not satisfied that your relationship is genuine, this could be a reason for refusal.

配偶开放式工签被拒应对措施 What happens if my spouse open work permit is refused?


If your spousal open work permit is refused, you may be eligible to re-apply. You should only re-apply if you can provide additional information or documentation to address the reason or refusal. Contact us to learn more about your options.

访问签证在等待配偶开放式工签审批期间被拒是否可以留在加拿大 Can I stay in Canada if my visitor permit expires while waiting for my SOWP to process?


If you applied for In-Canada sponsorship on a visitor permit that is expiring, and you have applied for a spousal open work permit, you will be on maintained status. This means you can remain in Canada without a valid permit under the same conditions while awaiting a decision on your SOWP application.

配偶开放式工签申请期间分居或离婚如何应对 What happens to my spouse’s open work permit application if my spouse and I separate or divorce?


If you and your spouse divorce or your common-law relationship ends after you’ve received your spousal open work permit, your permit will not be revoked. However, if your relationship ends while your application is still processing, you must inform IRCC of your updated relationship status, and will no longer be eligible for a SOWP.


