加拿大哪些工作可以豁免工作许可 Jobs That Do Not Require a Work Permit in Canada




Most foreign nationals wishing to work in Canada require a work permit, which is a legal document authorizing a foreign national to engage in employment and receive compensation from a Canadian employer.

However, in certain unique circumstances, a foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit.

The following types of jobs may not require a work permit for foreign nationals to engage in Canadian employment. It should be noted simple inclusion on this list does not mean that a person will be eligible for a work permit exemption. In order to qualify for a work permit exemption, a person’s job must be on this list and they must meet the additional exemption criteria for their specific job as outlined on the International Mobility Program webpage.

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运动员或教练 Athlete or coach


If you are a foreign national who is a member of a foreign athletic team who is competing in Canada, you may be exempt from requiring a work permit. This provision covers athletes, coaches, and other members of foreign teams. If you are a part of a Canadian team, you will require a work permit.

航空事故调查员 Aviation accident or incident investigator


If you are accredited as an agent or adviser to investigate aviation accidents and/or other incidents you may be exempt from requiring a work permit to carry out such investigative work in Canada. To qualify for the exemption, the investigation must be under Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act.

商务访客 Business visitor


Business Visitors are foreign nationals who travel to Canada to undertake business activities but do not enter the Canadian labor market. If you meet the definition of a business visitor, you may be exempt from requiring a Canadian work permit.

Note: There is a significant difference between a business visitor and a business person, ensure that you meet the definition to qualify for the exemption.

民航检查员 Civil aviation inspector


If you are employed to check the flight operations and cabin safety of international flights through Canada, you may qualify for a work permit exemption.

神职人员 Clergy


If you are a foreign national who is an ordained minister, a lay person, or a member of a religious order, you may qualify for a work permit exemption to undertake religious work in Canada. Your duties in Canada may include the following: preaching doctrine, leading worship, and/or giving spiritual counselling.

会议组织者 Convention organizer


If you organize or run international conventions or international meetings you may qualify for a work permit exemption. Please note that this exemption only applies to organizers, those providing hands-on services (audio-visual services, for example) during such conventions must have the appropriate work authorization.

交通载具成员 Crew member


  • 你必须在加拿大境外企业拥有和注册的国际货运和/或客运交通载具上工作;
  • 你的工作必须与这些交通载具的操作和/或乘客服务有关。

If you are a foreign national who is a truck driver, bus driver, shipping or airline worker, you may qualify for a work permit exemption. To qualify for the exemption, your employment must meet two conditions:

  • You must be working on vehicles which are owned and registered by enterprises outside of Canada which are used to transport cargo and/or passengers internationally; and
  • Your work must be related to the operation of the vehicles and/or the serving of passengers.

应急服务提供者 Emergency service provider


If you are a foreign national who will be working in Canada to provide services during an emergency, you may qualify for a work permit exemption. Your services must be to help preserve life and/or property in Canada. Emergencies include both natural disasters, like fires or floods, as well as industrial accidents which threaten the environment.

审查员及评估员 Examiner and evaluator


If you are a foreign national who is a professor or academic expert, you may be eligible for a work permit exemption to undertake certain types of activities in Canada. These activities include the evaluation and/or supervision of academic projects, research proposals, and theses. You may be employed by a Canadian educational institution or a Canadian research group.

专家证人或调查员 Expert witness or investigator


If you are working in Canada to provide evidence before a regulatory body, a tribunal, or a court of law, you may be eligible for a work permit exemption.

外国企业驻加拿大代表的家属 Family member of foreign representative


  • 你必须通过加拿大全球事务部的认可,护照上需要有全球事务部的背签;
  • 你必须持有加拿大海关总署签发的无异议函。此函件通常只有在加拿大和其他国家之间存在互惠雇佣协议时才会签发。

If you are the spouse or child or a foreign representative, you may be eligible for a Canadian work permit exemption. In order to qualify, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You must be accredited by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) including a GAC counterfoil in your passport.
  • You must have a letter of no objection issued by GAC. This letter is normally only issued if a reciprocal employment agreement exists between Canada and another country.

外国政府官员或代表 Foreign government officer or representative


  • 你受雇于外国政府,根据交换协议从事相关工作。该协议允许你在母国及加拿大从事工作;
  • 你是外国驻加拿大外交官或官方代表;
  • 你是联合国外交官或官方代表。


You may qualify for a work permit exemption if you meet any of the three following conditions:

  • You are an employee of a foreign government working under an exchange agreement which allows officials to work in governments in your country and in Canada.
  • You are a foreign diplomat or official representative of another country.
  • You are a foreign diplomat or official representative of the United Nations.

Employees of other governments must obtain an official letter if they will be employed in Canada for longer than 3 months.

卫生保健专业的学生 Health care student


  • 你必须参加临床实习;
  • 你接受雇佣的目的是为了接受培训;
  • 你必须获得省级医疗主管机构的书面批准(并非所有省份都有此要求);
  • 你的培训期必须少于4个月。


If you are a foreign national who is studying in a healthcare field in Canada and wishes to undertake employment as part of a training program, you may be eligible for a work permit exemption. In order to qualify for the exemption, you must meet the four following conditions:

  • You must be participating in clinical clerkships.
  • The main goal of your employment is for training purposes.
  • You must have written approval from the provincial regulatory body which regulates your profession (please note that not all provinces require this).
  • Your training must last less than 4 months.

If you do not meet all of these conditions, you will require a work permit.

裁判、裁判类官员 Judge, referee or similar official


  • 音乐和舞蹈节;
  • 动物表演;
  • 农业竞赛;


If you are a foreign national travelling to Canada to judge or be an official at an international amateur competition, you may qualify for a work permit exemption. These following types of events are eligible for this exemption:

  • Music and dance festivals.
  • Animal shows.
  • Agricultural contests.

If you do not meet all of these conditions, you will require a work permit.

军事人员 Military personnel


If you are a member of the armed forces of another country you may be eligible for a work permit exemption in Canada. To qualify for this exemption, you must have movement orders stating that you are entering Canada under the Visiting Forces Act.

新闻记者或电影媒体工作人员 News reporter or film and media crew


  • 你必须是新闻记者或记者团成员之一;
  • 你作为影视或传媒工作人员,不能占用加拿大劳动力市场;
  • 你所工作的印刷、广播、电视或网络出版企业不能是加拿大企业;
  • 你必须是常驻记者;
  • 你必须是为期少于6个月的活动的经理或办事员。

If you are a foreign national working in Canada as a news reporter or on a film and media crew, you may qualify for a work permit exemption. To qualify you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • You must be a news reporter or a member of a news reporter’s crew.
  • You must be a member of a film or media crew who will not enter the Canadian labor market.
  • You must be a journalist who works for a print, radio, television, or web-based publication which is not Canadian.
  • You must be a resident correspondent.
  • You must be a manager or clerical staff member of an event of less than 6 months duration.

广告制片人或相关工作人员 Producer or staff member working on advertisements


  • 电影制片人
  • 演员
  • 导演
  • 技术人员
  • 其他必要岗位从业人员


If you are entering Canada to work on a foreign-financed commercial/advertising shoot for television, magazines, or other media, you may qualify for a work permit exemption. In order to qualify, you must have one of the following roles:

  • Film producer
  • Actor
  • Director
  • Technician
  • Other essential personnel

This exemption only applies to short term employment, usually lasting no more than 2 weeks.

表演艺术家 Performing artist


  • 你是外籍表演艺术家或艺术家的主要支持人员;
  • 你在加拿大的工作时间有限;
  • 你不会被聘用你的企业或集团长期聘用;
  • 你不会­参与电影、电视及广播节目的录制。

Certain foreign performing artists are eligible to work in Canada without a work permit. In order to qualify for this exemption, the foreign national must meet several requirements:

  • You are the foreign artist or the artist’s key support staff.
  • You will perform in Canada for a limited period of time.
  • You will not be hired for ongoing Canadian employment by the group which contracted you.
  • You will not be involved in creating a broadcast for television, radio, or film.

公共演说家 Public speaker


If you are a foreign national who is a guest speaker, a commercial speaker, or a seminar leader you may qualify for a work permit exemption. Only speakers at events lasting no longer than 5 days are eligible for this exemption.

短期高阶技工 Short-term highly-skilled worker


  • 连续工作不超过15个日历日,且自上次使用此工作豁免参与工作的第一天起已满6个月;或,
  • 工作时长不超过30个日历日,且自上次使用此工作豁免参与工作的第一天起已满12个月;


High-skilled workers may be eligible to work in Canada for short-term periods provided that a certain amount of time passes between each exemption. Under the terms for the short-term work permit exemption, foreign nationals working at NOC Skill Level 0 or A may be exempt from requiring a work permit for a short period of work in Canada.   Under the conditions for the short-term work permit exemption, the worker must be coming:

  • To perform work for 15 consecutive calendar days or less and six months have passed since the first day of work under the previous use of this exemption; or
  • To perform work for 30 calendar days or less and 12 months have passed since the first day of work under the previous use of this exemption

As the short-term work permit exemption is designed to facilitate the work of foreign nationals residing outside of Canada, those residing within Canada are not eligible to apply for this exemption.

短期研究员 Short-term researcher


  • 必须在能够授予学位的公立教育机构或附属研究机构进行研究工作;
  • 必须连续工作不超过120天;
  • 在过去12个月内没有使用过此类工作许可豁免。

Some foreign nationals travelling to Canada to undertake short-term research may be eligible for a work permit exemption. This exemption only applies if the researcher meets the following conditions:

  • Must be undertaking research at a public degree-granting institution or affiliated research institution
  • Must be working for 120 or fewer consecutive days
  • Must not have utilized this exemption within the previous 12 months.

留学期间在校外工作的国际学生 Student working off-campus


Full-time international students do not require a work permit to work off-campus during their studies. Full-time international students are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during study periods (from November 15, 2022 to December 31, 2023, eligible to work over 20 hours) and to work full-time during regularly scheduled academic holidays and breaks.

留学期间在校内工作的国际学生 Student working on-campus


If you are a full-time international student in Canada, you do not require a work permit to work on-campus where you study. Full-time international students are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during study periods (from November 15, 2022 to December 31, 2023, eligible to work over 20 hours) and to work full-time during regularly scheduled academic holidays and breaks.


