永居身份确认函 Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR)



A Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) is an official document from the Canadian government proving you have been approved for permanent residence.

The CoPR is a crucial document to complete your PR process in Canada. New permanent residents arriving in Canada can utilize the information below to learn what a CoPR is, how to use it, what information it contains, and when it expires.

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永居身份确认函概览 CoPR Overview


CoPRs provide you with the right to live in Canada permanently. Read on to learn about this document and how it must be used so you can complete your landing in Canada.

境外登录 What is a CoPR Document Outside of Canada?




A Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) is a document that new permanent residents (PRs) receive from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) when their permanent residence application has been approved. If you are travelling to Canada for the first time to complete your landing as a new PR, you must bring your CoPR with you to present to a border official, along with all other necessary documents.

Note that a CoPR is not a travel document. Individuals approved for PR who require a visa will also be issued a permanent resident visa with which they will be allowed to travel to Canada and enter the country. Individuals from countries requiring an electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) to travel to Canada will only need to procure one if they have not received their CoPR by the date of their expected landing.

Your CoPR is also instrumental in receiving your PR card once you have landed in Canada.

境内登录 What is a CoPR Document Inside of Canada?


第一步. 登录 Portal 1

所谓的“Portal 1”,就是移民申请获批后将从以“cic.gc.ca”结尾的政府邮箱地址收到一封邮件,标题多为“Fwd: IRCC Permanent Residence Confirmation Portal”。邮箱内容以及要求恢复信息包括:

  • 要求确认邮箱地址;
  • 要求确认目前身处加拿大境内;
  • 要求提供永居门户网站所需的相关信息(姓名、UCI号码、联系邮箱、首次入境加拿大的时间、最近一次入境加拿大的日期、最近一次入境加拿大的地点、眼睛颜色、声明目前身处加拿大境内、部分版本要求提供如不在加拿大境内的计划返回时间、部分移民类别要求提供验证码),以及如果无法使用该门户网站的替代方案。

如移民申请中包含多人,可以选择由主申请人代为统一回复上述问题;亦可每位成年申请人单独回复。如果由主申请人统一回复,那么只有主申请人会有“Portal 2”,并代为进行后续的所有操作。我们建议选择此方式,以便家庭成员的进度一致。

第二步. 登录 Portal 2

所谓“Portal 2”,是指回复“Portal 1”邮件后收到的标题类似于“Fwd: New credentials for PR Confirmation Portal”的邮件。大多数情况下回复“Portal 1”后的一至两周内会收到“Portal 2”。也有当天收到或超过一个月才收到的情况发生。该邮件内容包含登录门户网站账户的用户名(邮箱地址)以及临时密码(要求登陆后自行修改)。主申请人及其家属需要通过该账户:

  • 自行修改密码(14天内);
  • 声明当前身处加拿大境内(7天内);
  • 填写永久居民卡,即枫叶卡的邮寄地址(7天内);
  • 上传用于制作枫叶卡的照片(7天内)。


第三步. 下载电子永居确认函(e-CoPR)

完成上述操作后,申请人及其家属就可以等待移民部发放正式的永居申请函(又称“登陆纸”)。由于目前该文件是电子版本,因此会称之为电子永居确认函(e-CoPR)。申请人通常会收到标题类似于“Fwd: PR Portal – eCoPR Available for Download”的邮件。同时,移民部申请账户中的状态会显示为“Approved”。申请人需要在“Portal 2”的账户中自行下载电子永居确认函。


移民官签字当天,申请人必须身处加拿大境内,否则该电子永居确认函将被视作无效。需要以境外登录方式进行登陆。从“Portal 2”到“e-CoPR”的时间进度千差万别。目前最快的有上传照片当天即收到确认函的,也有等待超过90天才收到的。

第四步. 收到永久居民卡(枫叶卡)

虽然申请人已经正式成为加拿大永久居民,但并不意味着可以随意出入境。通过永居确认函上的水印,可以清楚地看到“非旅行证件 Not For Travel”字样。申请人还需耐心等待枫叶卡的签发。制卡及邮寄时间,取决于移民办公室以及工作人员的工作效率,时间偏差较大。目前,有在收到登录纸后10天便收到卡的,也有超过4个月还没收到的情况发生。


Much like the process for new PRs landing from outside of Canada, successful applicants who receive PR status from within Canada are also given a CoPR. However, this version is an e-CoPR which new PRs inside Canada will receive through an online portal. Below is a quick breakdown of the virtual landing process for new PRs inside of Canada.

After your approval for PR, you will receive emails from an email address ending in cic.gc.ca. These emails will serve various purposes, including:

  • Requesting confirmation of your email address;
  • Asking you to confirm your physical presence in Canada; and
  • Providing information about the Permanent Residence Portal and alternative options if you are unable to use it.

Note that the Permanent Residence Portal is separate from your secure account with IRCC. It is important not to create your own account within the portal, as doing so may cause delays in the process. Instead, follow the instructions provided in the email, and an account will be created for you. Additional information on the Permanent Residence Portal is available here. It is essential that you inform IRCC if you leave Canada before they grant you permanent resident (PR) status.

Once you become a permanent resident, and are registered in the Permanent Residence Portal, IRCC will make an e-CoPR (electronic Confirmation of Permanent Residence) available to you through the portal. This document serves as proof of your new status in Canada. Additionally, within the portal, we will request a photo from you to initiate the process of issuing your first PR card. It is not necessary for you to apply separately for your first PR card. While you await the arrival of your PR card, you can utilize the printed and signed e-CoPR to:

  • Verify your permanent resident status in Canada.
  • Apply for government benefits and services for which you are eligible (e.g., applying for a social insurance number to facilitate employment).

确认函过期如何处理 What happens if my COPR expires?


For those that want to settle in Canada permanently, it is important to make use of your CoPR while it is valid. Generally, a CoPR is valid for one year from the time of issue, in which time successful applicants are required to make a landing in Canada and formally complete the PR process.

While IRCC did implement CoPR extensions during the COVID-19 pandemic, these measures have been phased out, meaning that any applicants who let the CoPR expire without making a formal landing will likely have to re-apply for permanent residence, and begin the entire process again.

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Utoimmigration.com was founded in 2012 as the online presence of UtoImmigration Law Firm. Since then, this website has grown into one of the world’s most trusted resources on immigration to Canada. Please connect with us so we can support your immigration needs:

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