为何聘用移民律师或移民顾问?Why Hire an Immigration Lawyer/RCIC?


This question and answer article outlines the key issues involved in choosing an immigration lawyer.

在递交移民申请时,是否可以不聘用移民律师或移民顾问?I understand it is possible to apply for Canadian permanent residency without hiring a lawyer. Is this true?



There is no rule which says a candidate must hire a lawyer to successfully apply for Canadian permanent residency. Many candidates apply and succeed on their own, while many who apply on their own face unnecessary delays or fail. Making a decision to apply for Canadian permanent residency is not done on a whim. It is a life-changing step made to improve the standard of living of an applicant and family members. The process is costly, takes time and depends on the assessment of third-party officials who review and rate each case. The review process needs full knowledge of rules and laws which are often revised. Policies and procedures change depending on the aims of the Canadian government of the day.

An immigration officer’s decision must consider an array of issues covered by volumes of government manuals, as well as ad hoc changes. These decisions are often challenged by lawyers and become the subject of volumes of reported case law. The government encourages candidates to apply without a lawyer, but in reality, a good lawyer protects an applicant’s rights. The government acknowledges this: “When lawyers and consultants present their clients’ cases in a clear and concise manner, processing is expedited and simplified.” Canadian Embassy in Moscow’s Guidelines for Representatives. October 28, 1996. Studies also offer proof of higher approval rates for applicants with lawyers.

加拿大移民律师,协助夫妻团聚案例 How CBA Immigration Lawyers Can Help – Spousal Sponsorship

加拿大移民律师,协助跨境经商案例案例 How CBA Immigration Lawyers Can Help – Cross Border Business

加拿大移民律师,协助获取永久居民身份案例 How CBA Immigration Lawyers Can Help – Permanent Resident

一些顾问表示他们有加拿大移民部的内部关系,可以左右申请结果。这在加拿大是否可能? Some consultants say they have contacts in IRCC, or in a particular visa office. Is this true in Canada?

在加拿大,此类情况不会发生。加拿大是一个民主法治国家。政府、立法与司法机构三权分立独立运作。各政府部长向议会负责。在移民及其他领域,立法机构赋予政府实施相关法律法规的权力。法律在适用时需遵从谨慎原则 。政府公职人员做出的决定必须是公正的、且不能受到外界影响。如果任何官员有失当或失职行为,都会受到严厉的制裁。任何团体或个人,如果宣称能够影响公职人员,也会受到相应的制裁。申请人不应聘用任何,声称拥有政府关系的人作为代理。

In Canada, this is not true. Canada is a democracy with a government, legislature and judiciary acting independently. Ministers are held to account by parliament. In immigration and other areas, the legislature gives the government power to apply the rules and laws which govern Canada’s people. Applying the law requires discretion. A fundamental principle is that officials make decisions impartially and without outside influence. Public officials face sanction if they are found to have not been impartial. Private individuals face sanction just for claiming they can influence public officials. Applicants should not work with anyone claiming to have government ties.

为何我需要聘用移民律师或移民顾问帮我入境加拿大?Why should I hire a lawyer/RCIC to help me move to Canada?


Canadian immigration laws and rules allow for the extensive discretion of immigration officers, exercised within precise limits. A clear and concise application that addresses the key issues can be assessed more effectively, meaning visas are issued faster. Examples

技术工人类别 Skilled worker category


The skilled worker category has several jobs open to prospective immigrants without the need for a formal offer. The visa officer must approve and score the candidate’s experience. A lawyer will know the key points to highlight to maximize that score.

商业类别 Business categories



Business categories require an applicant to have experience managing a company. Different visa officers may reach different conclusions. One might conclude managing a large department of a company qualifies, another may not. An experienced lawyer will know how to present experience effectively. The Canadian immigration system is always changing to meet the policies of the government of the day. Visa offices also have specific requirements, which are often not transparent. Success can depend on satisfying these requirements.

A lawyer/RCIC with experience in Canadian immigration will address issues open to discretion in the application. A lawyer will also highlight any issues with the assessment process, which are most often corrected without need for legal action. The decision to move to Canada is life-changing for a family. A lawyer can help maximize the benefits of the decision and give guidance on issues arising once permanent residency is achieved.

该如何选择移民律师/顾问?How do I choose a lawyer/RCIC?


Most of the large law firms in Canada do not provide immigration services. The area is generally covered by lawyers/RCIC who practice independently. Choosing a good lawyer/RCIC requires research, and may include the following:

转介与推荐 Referrals/References


This is the most reliable factor. Clients who have had a good experience will refer friends and relatives. A good lawyer/RCIC should be able to put forwarded satisfied clients as references.

专业度 Specialization


Canadian immigration policy undergoes continuous change. A specialist, generally defined as having more than 10 years of full-time experience, is more likely to be abreast of those changes.

经验 Experience


Some lawyers/RCICs are vastly experienced. This does not automatically translate to expertise, but it is an important factor.

代理协议 Contract


This is required by all Professional Orders. You should receive a detailed written contract from your lawyer.

信托基金 Funds “in trust”


Applicants should make fees payable to the lawyer or law firm “in trust”. This is a condition demanded by Professional Orders. Client fees are held in a separate trust account monitored by the Professional Order. This provides a good indication the lawyer in question adheres to current rules. Applicants should be cautious about making any payment to a corporate entity, regardless of the recipient.

初次评估 Initial assessments

好的移民律师会以书面形式详细的向客户概述整个申请过程。业内部分知名机构会提供“免费”评估(非免费咨询)。A lawyer should thoroughly outline the entire application process, in writing. The best-known practices will do so at no charge.

广告 Advertising

一些客户会通过广告选择移民代理人。潜在客户应该在此基础上进行更多搜索、参考更多因素。Some lawyers can be found through advertising. Potential clients should not use advertising alone in selecting a lawyer. Do more research first.

互联网推广 Internet


Lawyers will normally have websites to promote their services. Prominent lawyers may also have an established social media network. Look for lawyers who write regular content on sites with in-depth information and analysis. Steer clear of law firms with sites containing a small number of outdated pages and minimal information copied from the government. A lawyer’s expertise should come across on their site content. You may also find free assessments which offer an initial insight into your chances of success.

出版刊物 Publications


Accomplished and experienced immigration lawyers/RCICs will regularly write articles appearing in industry publications. It is a good idea to request samples of the lawyer’s published articles. Remember to differentiate between generic pieces with elementary content and those showing in-depth knowledge and analysis.

加拿大律师公会 Canadian Bar Association


Most lawyers in Canada are members of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA). The CBA has an immigration section with representatives in each province. More accomplished lawyers serve as executive members of the CBA and participate in the exchange of ideas with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. This can indicate a lawyer has an up-to-date knowledge of the field.

执业资质 Professional Order


All lawyers/RCICs must be registered with a Professional Order in their province. However, this registration is no measure of expertise.

直接沟通 Direct communication


Simply speaking with a lawyer will give an indication of professionalism. You get an immediate indication of level of service, commitment and insight.

移民律师/顾问在加拿大的工作地点是否重要?Does it matter where in Canada the lawyer/RCIC is based?


  • 省级或地区事务律师协会
  • 魁北克公证人协会
  • 加拿大移民顾问监管委员会


  • 信誉良好的魁省律师公会成员
  • 信誉良好的魁省公证人协会成员
  • 上述两个组织授权的个人
  • 魁省移民顾问监管委员会注册成员

The simple answer to this is no, except Quebec. Immigration law is a federal matter, although provinces share some jurisdiction. Anyone charging a fee to give advice on immigration must be a member of one of the following:

  • Provincial or territorial law society
  • Chambre des notariés du Québec
  • College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)

Quebec controls its own immigration, as per the 1991 Canada-Quebec Accord. If you decide to use the paid services of a representative, be reminded that only the following individuals are authorized to represent you before the Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration:

  • Members in good standing of the Barreau du Québec
  • Members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec
  • Individuals who have been granted special authorization by one of the two above-mentioned organizations
  • Immigration consultants who are registered with the Registre québécois des consultants en immigration


