签证移民电话咨询 Immigration Phone Consultation

我们欢迎您通过电话向我们咨询有关加拿大生活、工作、投资、学习、签证及移民申请的所有事宜。如果您希望通过电话 +1 (416) 949-1111  与我们的移民律师或持牌移民顾问咨询沟通任何有关签证或移民的事宜,请填下以下简短表格。收到您的消息后,我们会尽快与您联系并为您安排咨询服务。

We encourage visitors to this site to consult with us on all matters regarding living, working, investing, studying or settling in Canada. If you wish to consult with us by telephone +1 (416) 949-1111 to address any issue, please let us know by completing the following short form. Upon receipt, we will immediately contact you to schedule a 30 minute telephone appointment consultation with a licensed Canadian immigration practitioner approved by the Government of Canada to represent your interests.

签证移民电话咨询 Immigration Telephone Consultation (#16) 简化版