国际人才流动项目 (劳动力市场评估豁免)International Mobility Program (IMP): LMIA-Exempt Foreign Workers



Many foreign nationals do not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to work in Canada.

LMIA-exempt foreign workers fall under what is called the International Mobility Program (IMP). Being exempt from an LMIA does not mean the individual is exempt from obtaining a work permit.

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国际人才流动项目概览 International Mobility Program Overview



Foreign workers that require the Canadian government’s labour market test, known as the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) fall under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). Conversely, foreign workers that do not require an LMIA fall under the International Mobility Program (IMP). The purpose of the TFWP is to enable employers in Canada to hire foreign workers when there are no suitable workers in Canada to do the job. The purpose of the IMP is to promote Canada’s broad economic, social, and cultural interests.

Since the IMP’s policy goals are broader, the Canadian government does not use the LMIA process on foreign nationals who fall under any of the IMP’s streams. Some of the most common LMIA-exempt streams under the International Mobility Program (IMP) are outlined below. This page is divided into the following sections:

通过国际人才流动项目聘用外劳 Hire a Foreign Worker through the IMP


  • 确认有关岗位或外籍劳工符合劳动力市场影响评估豁免资格;
  • 支付雇主合规费,$230加币;
  • 通过国际人才流动项目雇主通道,递交正式聘书。


In order to hire a foreign worker through the IMP, a Canadian employer must follow three steps:

  • Confirm the position or worker in question qualifies for an LMIA-exemption;
  • Pay the employer compliance fee of $230 CAD;
  • Submit the official job offer through the IMP’s Employer Portal.

Only after completing these three steps will the foreign national be eligible to apply for their own work permit. LMIA-exempt workers may qualify for expedited work permit processing through the Global Skills Strategy if their position is NOC Skill Level A or 0 and they are applying from outside of Canada.

国家重大利益 Significant Benefit


  • 拥有其领域相关的大学、学院、学校或其他教育机构颁发的学位、文凭、证书或类似奖项的正式学术记录;
  • 来自现任或前雇主提供的相关证明,证明其拥有其受聘岗位显著的全职经验(此背景下,显著意为十年以上);
  • 曾荣获国家级,或国际级奖项或专利;
  • 提供作为某要求其成员具备卓越能力的组织成员的身份证明;
  • 曾担任他人工作的评审;
  • 提供同业、政府组织、专业协会或商业协会对其重大成就和贡献认可的证明;
  • 提供在某领域的科学或学术贡献的证明;
  • 所撰写的文章在学术或行业出版物中进行发表;和/或
  • 在具有卓越剩余的组织中担任领导角色的证明;

Apart from the situations outlined below in this section, Canadian visa officers have a degree of flexibility in assessing whether the issuance of a work permit to a foreign national is desirable without the need for an LMIA to be secured. This is known as significant social or cultural benefit.

The foreign national’s proposed benefit to Canada through his or her work must be significant, meaning it must be important or notable. Officers typically rely on the testimony of credible, trustworthy, and distinguished experts in the foreign national’s field, as well as any objective evidence provided. The foreign national’s past record is a good indicator of his or her level of achievement. Objective measures for “significant social or cultural benefit”:

  • an official academic record showing that the foreign national has a degree, diploma, certificate, or similar award from a college, university, school, or other institution of learning relating to the area of their ability;
  • evidence from current or former employers showing that the foreign national has significant full time experience in the occupation for which he or she is sought (significant in this context can be taken to mean ten or more years experience);
  • has been the recipient of national or international awards or patent;
  • evidence of membership in organizations requiring excellence of its members;
  • having been the judge of the work of others;
  • evidence of recognition for achievements and significant contributions to the field by peers, governmental organizations, or professional or business associations;
  • evidence of scientific or scholarly contributions to the field by the foreign national;
  • publications authored by the foreign national in academic or industry publications; and.or
  • leading role of the foreign national in an organization with a distinguished reputation.

企业家/自雇人士 Entrepreneurs/Self-Employed Persons



An LMIA exemption may be granted to private entrepreneurs who wish to come to Canada temporarily in order to start or operate a business. Applicants to one of these programs must be the sole or majority owners of the business they wish to pursue in Canada. They will also have to demonstrate that their business will be of significant benefit to Canada. Entrepreneurs are only eligible for LMIA-exempt work permits if they can demonstrate that their work in Canada is temporary in nature. This category is particularly well suited to owners of seasonal businesses.

Entrepreneurs who have already applied for Canadian permanent residence may also qualify for LMIA-exempt work permits in this category. Entrepreneurs are only eligible for LMIA-exempt work permits if they can demonstrate that their work in Canada is temporary in nature.

跨国公司内部调派 Intra-Company Transferees


Intra-Company Transferees may be granted an LMIA exemption for a temporary transfer to Canada. Transferees must be considered executives, managers, or specialized knowledge workers, and must work for a foreign company with a qualifying relationship to the company in Canada.

外籍劳工随行家属 Dependents Of Foreign Workers


Spouses and children of Foreign Workers holding a Canadian work permit for a skilled position do not require an LMIA. Please note that this does not apply to the spouses of workers on an International Exchange Program.

法语技术工人 French-Speaking Skilled Workers


Foreign nationals who have been recruited through a francophone immigration promotional event coordinated between the federal government and Francophone minority communities, and who are destined for a province or territory outside of Quebec and qualified under a National Occupational Classification (NOC) 0, A or B, may be eligible to work in Canada through Mobilité Francophone.

学者 Academics


This includes researchers, guest lecturers, and visiting professors.

省级劳动力市场影响评估豁免 Provincial LMIA Exemptions


Workers nominated by a province for permanent residence and who have obtained a job offer in that province may be exempt from the need for an LMIA.

双边互惠就业协定 Reciprocal Employment


Reciprocal employment agreements allow foreign workers to take up employment in Canada when Canadians have similar reciprocal work opportunities abroad.

国际协定 International Agreements


  • 北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)
  • 加拿大-智利/秘鲁/哥伦比亚/韩国自由贸易协定
  • 加拿大-欧盟综合经济与贸易协定(CETA)
  • 服务贸易总协定(GATS)

A significant number of LMIA-exemptions are available through international agreements between Canada and other countries. Certain types of employees can transfer to Canada from other countries, and vice versa, if they are able to demonstrate this will have a positive impact. Canada has negotiated the following Free Trade Agreements, each encompassing a range of LMIA-exemptions:

  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Canada-Chile FTA / Canada-Peru FTA / Canada-Colombia FTA / Canada-Korea FTA
  • Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
  • General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

国际交换项目 International Exchange Programs


Canada is a participant in a number of programs for international youth exchange. Such programs include the International Experience Canada (IEC) Working Holiday Visa, Student Co-op programs, Young Professionals programs, and teacher exchange programs. These programs are exempt from the need for an LMIA.

慈善及宗教活动 Charitable and Religious Work

慈善人士 Charitable Workers



In the Canadian context, charity is defined as the relief of poverty, advancement of education or certain other purposes that benefit the community. As such, certain charitable workers do not require an LMIA in order to enter the Canadian labour market temporarily.

Being registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a charity is a strong indicator that an organization is indeed charitable in nature. However, foreign workers may be able to work in Canada for an organization under this LMIA-exempt provision that is not registered with the CRA; the visa officer may request additional information from the employer in such an instance.

The government of Canada draws a distinction between a charitable worker, who needs a work permit, and a volunteer worker, who is work-permit exempt. A volunteer worker does not enter the labour market and his or her presence in Canada is incidental to the main purpose of the visit A charitable worker, on the other hand, usually takes a position involving an activity that meets the definition of work and may be compensated for his or her work in Canada. As a result, he or she needs a work permit, though the LMIA process is not required.

宗教人士 Religious Workers


Religious work normally entails a requirement for the foreign national to be part of, or share, the beliefs of the particular religious community where he or she intends to work, or to have the ability to teach or share other religious beliefs, as required by the employer.

For this LMIA-exempt category, the primary duties of the foreign national should reflect a particular religious objective, for example the provision of religious instruction or promotion of a particular religion or faith.

The work should involve advancing the spiritual teachings of a religious faith, as well as maintaining the doctrines and spiritual observances on which those teachings are based.

额外豁免情况 Additional LMIA-Exemptions


While the majority of LMIA-exemptions are granted due to either international agreements or Canadian interest, there are a number of LMIA-exemptions outside of these categories. In some cases, LMIA-exemptions are granted for humanitarian and compassionate reasons. As well, certain candidates for Canadian permanent residency may be eligible to apply for LMIA-exempt work permits.

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