加拿大移民、难民及公民部 Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)



Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is the federal department that facilitates the arrival of immigrants to Canada, provides protection to refugees, and offers programming to help newcomers settle in Canada. 

IRCC also grants citizenship, issues travel documents (such as passports) to Canadians, and promotes multiculturalism.

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加拿大移民部概览 Overview




IRCC used to be known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Usage of the new name for this federal government department began soon after a new Canadian government took office in November, 2015. The department is led by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

While the acronym ‘CIC’ continues to be used in some cases, it has become increasingly apparent over the first few months of the present government’s mandate that ‘IRCC’ is preferred in official publications and communications.

The addition of the word ‘refugees’ in the official name of the government department reflects the government’s increased focus on humanitarian and refugee immigration to Canada. That being said, the government has made it clear that Canada will maintain an open and welcoming immigration policy for skilled immigrants and family class programs. There is no evidence to suggest that economic immigration or family reunification is less important to this government than its predecessors; indeed, the government has pledged to increase funding allocated to IRCC to improve program delivery and processing times.

To avoid any confusion, individuals and stakeholders should note that CIC and IRCC are not two separate departments. If documents or publications refer to CIC in one instance and IRCC in another, they are actually referring to the same department. IRCC is not so much a new department, but the successor to one that has existed for many years; CIC has had its mandate slightly modified and been renamed as IRCC. However, the name CIC may continue to be used for some time by some stakeholders, such as Canadian provincial and territorial governments.

移民事务 Immigration



The ‘Immigration’ portion of the department title refers to Canada’s efforts to build and maintain a policy of welcoming newcomers in a way that is beneficial to Canadians and newcomers alike. Canada has traditionally been a country with a progressive, open immigration policy, with most Canadians being able to trace foreign ancestry within just a few generations. As Canada faces a demographic challenge and wishes to have strong economic growth and security, immigration is likely to continue to play an important role in Canada’s future.

To learn more about immigration to Canada, click here.

难民事务 Refugees



The ‘Refugees’ portion of IRCC is a reflection of two principal factors. First, instability and conflict over recent years in some regions of the world has led to an increase in the number of refugees globally. These individuals and families have been forced from their homes and are often in extremely vulnerable situations. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that as of June, 2015, there are 60 million refugees in the world.

The second factor to consider is that the current government has approached this issue rapidly and with a certain degree of compassion. Over the course of the Canadian federal election campaign in 2015, Trudeau and other prominent Liberal Party members maintained that the best course of action for Canada and international refugees would be for Canada to increase the number of refugees settled in the country and provide additional resources to ensure security and opportunities for refugees over the long term.

公民事务 Citizenship



One of the defining characteristics of Canada’s immigration policy is that it provides a pathway to Canadian citizenship for individuals who make the major life decision to immigrate to Canada. Becoming a Canadian citizen and joining the Canadian family is very often a humbling and emotional benchmark in an immigrant’s life. Citizenship remains an important component of IRCC, as it was before the department was renamed.

To learn more about eligibility requirements for Canadian citizenship, as well as the rights and responsibilities that citizenship confers on an individual, click here.

案件处理中心 Case Processing Centres

其他签证移民权利机构 Other Immigration Authorities

移民部负责具体实施移民及难民保护法(Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, IRPA)、公民法(Citizenship Act)的主要法律内容。除移民部外:

境外使领馆签证中心 CPC outside Canada




渥太华案件处理中心 CPC-Ottawa

渥太华签证中心(CPC-Ottawa,全称:Case Processing Centre-Ottawa),是隶属于加拿大境外签证机构的一个分支,最初用以审理境内小签续签,之后处理越来越多的境内移民申请个案。目前,由于大多数通过快速移民通道 EE 进行移民的申请人都在加拿大境内,所以渥太华签证中心也开始大量处理与EE有关的申请。


韦格勒维尔案件处理中心 CPC-Vegreville

韦格勒维尔签证中心(CPC-Vegreville,全称:Case Processing Centre-Vegreville),这个距离阿尔伯塔省会,埃德蒙顿约1小时车程的小镇,名不见经传。但其负责几乎所有境内临时居民身份的案件处理,包括:学签续签、访问续签、配偶工签、毕业后工签等境内身份调整。


悉尼签证办公室 CIO-Sydney

悉尼处理办公室(CIO-Sydney,全称:Centralized Intake Office-Sydney)位于新斯科舍省,千万不要与澳大利亚的悉尼混淆。目前,悉尼处理办公室主要接受来自省提名的申请;案件通过邮寄送达后,会被分配到境外使领馆(当申请人身处境外时)或渥太华申请中信进行后续处理。


密西沙加案件处理中心 CPC-Mississauga

密西沙加签证中心(CIO-Mississauga,全称:Case Processing Centre-Mississauga),是处理团聚类移民申请的主要签证中心。加拿大境内几乎所有团聚类申请直接由中心审理,境外团聚类案件需先通过邮寄送达该签证中心,再被分配到境外使领馆(若申请人在境外)或渥太华签证中心(若申请人在境内)。


温哥华签证中心 IRCC–Backlog Reduction Office


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Utoimmigration.com 作为优途安加的在线平台,自2012年上线以来逐步发展成全球范围内最值得信赖的加拿大移民线上资源平台之一。与我们取得联系,以便我们协助您实现下列移民需求:

UtoImmigration Law Firm is one of Canada’s leading immigration law firms. We have over 13 years of experience and feature a team of over 30 Canadian immigration attorneys, paralegals, and other dedicated professionals. We are dedicated to helping people achieve their Canadian immigration goals. We assist in areas including skilled worker and business immigration, family sponsorship, work permits, study permits, citizenship, and inadmissibility.

Utoimmigration.com was founded in 2012 as the online presence of UtoImmigration Law Firm. Since then, this website has grown into one of the world’s most trusted resources on immigration to Canada. Please connect with us so we can support your immigration needs:


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