申请入籍成为加拿大公民 Apply for Canadian Citizenship



There are many benefits to becoming a Canadian citizen including the right to settle permanently in one of the world’s most prosperous countries, participate in the country’s democracy, and possess one of the world’s strongest passports.

Canada looks to welcome more than 500,000 new permanent residents each year. Most of these newcomers will become proud Canadian citizens. When that process is complete, they take loyalty oaths pledging their commitment to the responsibilities and privileges of Canadian citizenship.

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Canadian Citizenship Eligibility


A Canadian immigrant may apply for Canadian Citizenship after spending at least three years in Canada as a permanent resident.

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Applying for Canadian Citizenship


You will need to satisfy several requirements to submit a Canadian citizenship application, and may then need to take a citizenship test.

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Canadian Citizenship Ceremony


Once you are approved as a Canadian citizen, you can attend a Citizenship Ceremony to take Canada’s Oath of Citizenship.

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Rights and Responsibilities of Canadian Citizens


Canadian permanent residents enjoy many, but not all, of the rights of Canadian citizens. Learn the additional rights of a Canadian citizen.

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Proof of Canadian Citizenship


If one of your parents is a Canadian or if you are a Canadian with children born abroad, you can obtain citizenship for yourself or your children.

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Dual or Multiple Citizenship


Canada recognizes dual citizenship. You are not required to give up your previous citizenship once you become a Canadian citizen.

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常见问题 Frequently Asked Questions

1). 谁有资格申请入籍加拿大?Who is eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship?


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) allows a permanent resident to apply for Canadian citizenship after he or she has been a physical resident of Canada for three years (1,095 days) out of the five years immediately preceding the application for citizenship. Where exceptional circumstances exist, however, someone may be allowed to apply even if he or she has not been physically resident in Canada for the required 1,095 days. The requirement to be physically present in Canada for 1,095 days does not apply to children under the age of 18.

2). 符合条件后是否必须选择立即入籍?Does a permanent resident have to apply for Canadian citizenship ASAP he/she is eligible?


No, there is no obligation to apply for Canadian citizenship at any time.

3). 入籍加拿大的优势有哪些?What are some of the advantages of obtaining Canadian citizenship?


Unlike Canadian permanent residents, Canadian citizens have no residency obligations. Canadian citizens cannot lose their status unless it was obtained through material misrepresentation. Canadian citizens also receive Canadian passports and are entitled to vote in federal, provincial, and municipal elections.

4). 成为加拿大永久居民前在加拿大境内的居住时间是否可以计入入籍申请?Will time spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident count towards a citizenship application?


  • 以永居身份在境内度过的每一天都算作一天。
  • 获得永居身份前,以临时居民或受庇护身份度过的每一天算作半天,最多抵扣一年(365天)。
  • 如果申请人获得永居身份不足五年,则从其获得永居身份之日起开始计算。
  • 在加拿大的服刑时间不纳入居住时间(即身处监狱、教养所、感化院、缓刑和/或假释期间不纳入计算)。

Canadian law dictates that applicants must be physically present in Canada as a permanent resident for 1,095 days within the five (5) years immediately before applying for citizenship. Only the five years preceding the date of the application are taken into account. Within that five-year period:

  • Every day spent in Canada as a permanent resident counts as a full day.
  • Every day spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident as a temporary resident or protected person counts as a half-day towards meeting the physical presence requirement for citizenship, up to a maximum credit of 365 days.
  • If the applicant became a permanent resident less than five years ago, the calculation period starts on the date that he or she became a permanent resident.
  • Time spent serving a sentence in Canada does not count towards the physical presence requirement (i.e. time spent in a prison, penitentiary, jail, reformatory, probation and/or on parole cannot be counted as physical presence).

5). 身处加拿大境外的时间是否可以符合入籍申请要求?Will time spent absent from Canada be counted towards a citizenship application?


Unless there are exceptional circumstances, time spent outside of Canada will not be counted towards the calculation of the 1,095 days required to qualify for Canadian citizenship.

6). 加拿大是否承认双国籍?Does Canada recognize dual citizenship?


Since 1977, Canada has permitted its citizens to hold dual or multi citizenship. As a result, Canadian citizens will not lose their Canadian citizenship if they retain their former nationality or become citizens of another country. Many other countries, including the United States, also recognize dual citizenship.

It is advised that a permanent resident intending to become a Canadian citizen verifies whether the country of his or her current nationality permits dual citizenship.

7). 加拿大公民是否需要为其全球范围内的收入向加拿大纳税?Are Canadian citizens required to pay Canadian income tax on their worldwide income?


Not in all cases. As a general rule, only citizens residing in Canada are required to pay Canadian income tax on worldwide income. It is always best to consult with a specialist in Canadian taxation for specific advice regarding any and all Canadian taxation matters

8). 如果某人小时候是加拿大公民,但并未在加拿大居住多年,其是否有资格成为加拿大公民?If someone was a Canadian citizen as a child but has not lived in Canada for many years, does he or she qualify as a citizen?


Anyone born in Canada is most likely a Canadian citizen. Anyone unsure of his or her Canadian citizenship can contact IRCC and request a search for citizenship records, and obtain new citizenship documents.

9). 如果公民身份被撤销,如何重新获得新的加拿大公民身份?If citizenship is revoked, how can a new Canadian citizenship be obtained?


Depending on when and for what reason citizenship was revoked, it may be possible to re-apply for Canadian citizenship. For complicated citizenship problems like these, it is best to have a consultation.

10). 在加拿大出生是否自动获得公民身份?Do children born in Canada gain citizenship automatically?


Yes. Children born in Canada are Canadian citizens regardless of the status of their parents (i.e. a parent does not have to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in order for his or her Canadian-born child to be a citizen).

11). 未满18周岁的儿童如何获得加拿大公民身份?How can children under the age of 18 become Canadian citizens?


A child must be a permanent resident of Canada to become a citizen. The physical presence requirement of 1,095 days does not apply to children under the age of 18. In order to apply for citizenship for a child under the age of 18, one of the child’s parents must already be a Canadian citizen, or must apply for citizenship at the same time. This applies to adoptive children as well.


