加拿大入籍申请流程 Applying for Canadian Citizenship


Applying for Canadian citizenship involves a formal application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), a citizenship test, and sometimes, a citizenship interview.

Are you looking to apply for Canadian citizenship? Contact UtoImmigration Law for assistance!

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加拿大入籍申请流程 Canadian Citizenship Application Process

The following is an overview of the steps to take to apply for Canadian citizenship after you confirm you meet the eligibility criteria:

第一步,递交申请 Step1. Submit Your Application


An application must be completed and sent to the appropriate IRCC office for review. When the application has been verified, the applicant will be sent a notice requesting that a citizenship test be taken.

第二步,参加公民考试 Step2. Citizenship Test


Applicants between 18 and 54 years of age are required to write a citizenship test, which tests the applicant’s knowledge of Canadian history, geography, political process, and the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. IRCC provides all citizenship applicants with a study guide entitled Discover Canada. There are 20 questions on the test. The pass mark is 15 out of 20. The test generally takes 30 minutes to complete.

第三步,语言能力 Step3. Language Proficiency


  • 被认可的第三方语言测试成绩;或
  • 中学或高等教育的英语或法语成绩单或文凭;或
  • 在某些政府提供的语言培训中达到加拿大语言等级分级(CLB)4级或以上的证明。

Applicants between the age of 18 and 54 are also required to demonstrate proficiency in English or French. In order to prove language proficiency, applicants must submit one of the following documents:

  • Results from an approved third party test; or
  • Transcripts or a diploma from a secondary or post-secondary education in English or French; or
  • Evidence of achieving Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 or higher in certain government language programs.

第四步,入籍仪式 Step4. Citizenship Ceremony


Successful applicants must then attend a citizenship ceremony where they receive a certificate of Canadian citizenship and officially become new Canadian citizens. Once you complete this stage, you can apply for a Canadian passport.

不符合入籍条件 Canadian Citizenship Ineligibility


  • 在加拿大境内或境外有严重犯罪记录,或面临刑事指控;
  • 被要求离境,或正在被执行驱逐程序;
  • 因虚假陈述而被拒绝入籍申请;或
  • 申请人的加拿大公民身份被取消。

It is important to review the documents provided to you when you first became a permanent resident in order to verify that all Terms and Conditions have been met. If any of these Terms and Conditions are still outstanding, you may not be eligible for Canadian citizenship. Additionally, you may be ineligible for Canadian citizenship if you:

  • have a criminal record or are facing criminal charges in Canada or outside Canada;
  • have been ordered to leave Canada;
  • have been refused Canadian citizenship as a result of misrepresentation; or
  • have had your Canadian citizenship revoked.


