• 加拿大创业移民评估表
    Business Start-Up Free Evaluation Questionnaire

请填写以下表单。我们将与你取得联系并讨论创业移民的可行性。标记  *的部分为必填项。

Complete the following form and we will contact you to discuss your business start-up immigration options. Fields marked with * are required.

创业移民评估表 Business Start-Up Free Evaluation Questionnaire

创业移民评估表 Business Start-Up Free Evaluation Questionnaire

个人信息 Personal Information

个人净资产 Personal Net Worth in CAD$


This refers to the total value of all assets of an investor (combined with spouse or common-law partner), minus the total debts owed by the investor. Assets primarily include real estate, shares of publicly traded companies, and cash deposits in banks. Real estate must be supported by market appraisals. To participate in the program there is no requirement to liquidate assets beyond the amount of the government investment.

商业信息 Business Information

上传简历 Upload CV