快速通道79类职业定向邀请 Category-Based Selection (79 Jobs)
Express Entry system now targets 82 jobs in healthcare, technology, trades, transport and agriculture as well as French speakers, under occupation specific draws.
with lower CRS scores compared to all program draws. It is a major change for the flagship Express Entry selection system, which has previously conducted draws based on immigration programs.
at least six months of continuous work experience in Canada or abroad within the past three years in one of the occupations. The occupations listed below are for 2023 only. The list could change next year.
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加拿大公布2025年EE快速通道最新调整:重点关注CEC及定向邀请 Canada Announces 2025 Express Entry Updates: Focus on CEC and Targeted Draws
2025年2月27日,加拿大移民部长马克·米勒(Marc Miller)正式宣布 2025年快速通道(Express Entry, EE) 的最新邀请计划,并公布定向抽选的调整方案。
On February 27, 2025, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Marc Miller, officially announced updates to the Express Entry (EE) system, outlining the invitation plans and adjustments to targeted draws for the year.
2025年EE抽选重点:优先邀请CEC候选人 Priority on Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
2025年,EE快速通道的邀请将 优先考虑加拿大经验类(CEC)候选人,吸纳具备加拿大本地工作经验的申请者。这一政策旨在帮助临时居民更顺利地转换为永久居民,进一步支持加拿大本地劳动力市场的稳定发展。
The 2025 EE draws will prioritize candidates under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), emphasizing applicants with Canadian work experience. This initiative aims to facilitate the transition of temporary residents to permanent status, strengthening the local labor market.
2025年EE定向邀请重点类别 Key Categories for Targeted Draws
- 法语流利者(听、说、读、写四项均达到 CLB 7 及以上)
- 医疗及社会服务行业(如家庭医生、护士、牙医、药剂师、心理学家、脊椎按摩师等)
- 技工行业(如木匠、水管工、承包商等)
- 教育行业(如教师、幼教、特殊教育教师等)
To meet Canada’s economic and immigration goals, targeted invitations in 2025 will focus on the following groups:
- French-speaking candidates (fluent in all four language skills)
- Healthcare and social services professionals (e.g., family doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, chiropractors)
- Skilled trades workers (e.g., carpenters, plumbers, contractors)
- Education professionals (e.g., teachers, early childhood educators, special education instructors)
Minister Miller emphasized the government’s commitment to supporting French-speaking communities outside Quebec and fostering economic growth. As a result, French-proficient candidates will be given priority in Express Entry.
2025年EE定向抽选调整 Key Adjustments for 2025 EE Targeted Draws
✅ 新增“教育行业”类别,以满足加拿大对教师及教育专业人员的迫切需求。
✅ 扩大“医疗行业”范围,调整为“医疗及社会服务领域”,优化职业清单,以更精准地匹配劳动力市场需求。
✅ 更新“技工行业”职业清单,更符合当前行业需求。
❌ 移除“运输行业”,即2025年不会对该类职业进行定向邀请。
❌ 缩减STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)及农业类职业清单,部分职业已从目标职业列表中移除。
✅ New Education Category: Addressing Canada’s demand for teachers and education professionals.
✅ Expanded Healthcare Category: Now includes both healthcare and social services professionals to better align with labor market needs.
✅ Refined Skilled Trades List: Adjusted to more accurately reflect industry demands.
❌ Transportation Category Removed: No targeted invitations will be issued for this sector in 2025.
❌ Reduced STEM & Agriculture Lists: Some occupations in these fields have been removed from the targeted occupations list.
2025年EE快速通道定向邀请适用类别 Eligibility for 2025 Targeted Express Entry Draws
- 法语能力优秀者(听、说、读、写四项均达到 CLB 7 及以上)
- 医疗及社会服务行业(如医生、护士、药剂师、心理学家等)
- STEM 行业(科学、技术、工程、数学相关职业)
- 技工行业(如电工、焊工、机械师等)
- 农业及食品行业(如肉类加工技工等)
- 教育行业(如教师、幼教、特殊教育教师等)
Candidates in the following categories will be eligible for targeted draws:
- French-speaking applicants (minimum CLB 7 in listening, speaking, reading, and writing)
- Healthcare and social services professionals
- STEM professionals (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
- Skilled trades workers (e.g., electricians, welders, mechanics)
- Agriculture and food processing workers (e.g., meat processing technicians)
- Education professionals (e.g., teachers, early childhood educators, special education instructors)
📌 重要提醒 Important Notes
申请人需在过去三年内,具备至少6个月的连续全职工作经验(或等同的兼职经验),且该经验必须属于同一 NOC 职业类别。此工作经验可在加拿大境内或境外获得。本次调整旨在优化EE快速通道,进一步满足加拿大关键行业的劳动力需求,并推动长期经济和人口发展目标的实现。
Applicants must have at least six months of continuous full-time work experience (or equivalent part-time experience) within the past three years in the same NOC occupation. This experience can be gained either inside or outside Canada. These changes aim to streamline the Express Entry system while addressing labor shortages in key sectors, reinforcing Canada’s long-term economic and demographic objectives.
相关链接 Related Links
- 加拿大联邦技工移民 Federal Skilled Trades (FST) Program
- 加拿大经验类移民 Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Eligibility
- 加拿大联邦技术移民 Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program
- 快速移民通道双学历加分 Dual-Credentials
- 快速通道职业定向邀请 Category-Based Selection
- 联邦技术移民六项打分系统 Federal Skilled Worker Six Selection Factors (Eligibility Points)
- 如何在快速移民通道中建档 How to Create an Online Express Entry Profile
- 快速通道抽分历史 Express Entry Immigration Draws(EE Draws)
- 快速通道综合打分系统 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)
- 移民邀请函与电子永居申请 Invitation to Apply for PR (ITAs) & the electronic Application for PR (eAPR)