双国籍或多国籍 Dual or Multiple Citizenship



Dual (or multiple) citizenship occurs when a person is a citizen of two or more countries.

A citizen of Canada will retain Canadian citizenship upon acquiring a second citizenship in another country. In fact, Canadian citizens cannot lose their citizenship unless they voluntarily renounce it via a complicated legal procedure.

However, for citizens of many other countries who obtain Canadian citizenship, dual citizenship does not always apply. Some countries will revoke citizenship when a citizen of that country acquires a Canadian passport; other nations may simply not recognize the new citizenship at all.

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双国籍规则 Dual Citizenship Rules


  • 出生地原则,即在该国领土上出生。
  • 父母之一或双方是该国公民。
  • 与该国公民结婚或具有配偶关系。
  • 完成公民考试并完成一些列获取公民的法律程序。
  • 在该国居住足够长的时间,或有机会成为该国公民。



Some common ways to obtain citizenship are:

  • Being born in territory considered to be of that country.
  • Having one or more parents who are citizens of that country.
  • Having married a person of that citizenship.
  • Having gone through the legal process of earning citizenship via examination in a previously foreign country.
  • Having lived in that country for enough time to qualify for citizenship.

Many countries permit dual citizenship, Canada being one of them. While Canada has very open and accepting laws regarding dual citizenship, this cannot be said for all countries. Each country possesses its own set of rules and laws regarding dual citizenship. Individuals seeking Canadian citizenship should consult their native government or native country’s embassy or consulate for complete information regarding the impact on their current citizenship status should they acquire Canadian citizenship.

While there are many benefits to dual and multiple citizenship, some disadvantages may occur. In addition to possibly having a previous citizenship revoked, it is also possible to be caught between two countries’ legalities, taxation, compulsory military service, and other seemingly unexpected problems. The laws that apply to each individual depend on which country of citizenship the person resides in at that time. It is crucial to be aware of the rules and regulations regarding dual or multiple citizenship in each country of citizenship.

In many ways, dual citizenship is a proud value for Canada and its citizens. Dual citizenship speaks to Canada’s diversity and comfort with multiculturalism. Many new Canadians opt to keep their previous citizenship in addition to their Canadian citizenship. In most cases, having dual citizenship is positive and beneficial. Learn more about eligibility requirements for Canadian citizenship.


