联邦技术移民六项打分系统 Federal Skilled Worker Six Selection Factors (Eligibility Points)

联邦技术移民申请人必须先在满分100的六项打分系统中达到67分,才有资格入池快速通道系统成为移民候选人表达移民意愿。之后再根据自身条件通过快速通道综合打分系统 CRS 获得分数。


In order to submit a profile as a Federal Skilled Worker (FSW), you must meet the minimum of 67 eligibility points. Once you can submit an Express Entry profile to the pool of candidates, you are ranked by the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) and given a CRS score.

All candidates that enter the Express Entry pool are given a CRS score, but only FSW candidates need to meet the minimum FSW score.

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文章内容 Table of Contents

项目一:语言能力(满分28) Language skills points (maximum 28 points)

联邦技术移民申请人必须掌握加拿大官方语言,英法语其中一种或两种,以便适应加拿大就业市场。语言技能方面最多可以获得28分。申请人必须在至少一种官方语言中,读、写、听、说四个方面都达到加拿大语言水平分级 CLB7。若想获得第二语言分数,则第二语言的读、写、听、说四个方面都必须达到加拿大语言水平分级CLB5。

It’s very important to be able to communicate in 1 or both of Canada’s official languages. Knowing English, French or both helps you in the Canadian job market. You can get up to 28 points for your language skills in English and French. We’ll give you points based on your ability to: write, read, listen and speak.

You must get a minimum level of CLB7 for 1 official language in all 4 language areas. To get points for the second official language, you must meet the minimum level of CLB5 in all 4 language areas.

第一官方语言(满分24) First official language (maximum 24 points)

加拿大国家语言分级 CLB 读 Reading 写 Writing 听 Listening 说 Speaking
加拿大语言水平分级 CLB9 或更高 or higher 6 6 6 6
CLB8 5 5 5 5
CLB7 4 4 4 4
Below CLB7 以下 0 0 0 0

第二官方语言(满分4) Second official language (maximum 4 points)

读写听说四项均达到CLB5/At least CLB5 in all of the 4 abilities 4
读写听说四项中任一一项在CLB4或更低/CLB4 or less in any of the 4 abilities 0

项目二:教育背景(满分25) Factor2: Education Points (maximum 25 points)

如果在加拿大接受中学或高等教育,必须提供证书、文凭或学历证明。如果在加拿大境外接受教育,则需要进行学历认证 ECA。

学历等级 分数
博士学历 25
硕士学历 23
双学历,其中至少一项为3年以上高等教育 22
3年以上高等教育文凭 21
2年以上高等教育文凭 19
1年以上高等教育文凭 15
高中学历 5


If you went to school in Canada, you must have a certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian: secondary institution (high school) or post-secondary institution. If you have foreign education, you must have an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report for immigration purposes from a designated organization.

Level of Education Points
Doctoral (PhD) level 25
Master level 23
Two or more post-secondary degrees-at least one for a program of at least 3 years 22
Post-secondary degree-3 years or longer 21
Post-secondary degree-2 years 19
Post-secondary degree-1 year 15
Secondary School 5

工作经验(满分15) Factor3: Work Experience Points (maximum 15 points)

申请人过往10年内,从事符合加拿大国家职业划分 NOC0/1/2/3 类的全职(每周工作30小时,12个月算作1年,每周超出30小时部分不做计算)或兼职(每周15小时,24个月算作1年)工作经验都能获得相应分数。加拿大境内、境外、学习期间、自雇期间工作经验都可被计算

You can get points for the number of years you’ve spent doing full-time paid work (at least 30 hours per week, or an equal amount of part-time [15 hours per week for 24 months]) in a skilled occupation listed in Training, Education, Experience and Responsibilities (TEER) category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the 2021 National Occupational Classification (NOC). To get selection factor points, your work experience will count if it was: in Canada or abroad, while you were studying or while being self-employed.

工作经验 Experience 得分 Points
6年或更长 or more years 15
4-5 年 years 13
2-3 年 years 11
1 年 year 9

项目四:年龄因素(满分12) Factor4: Age Points (maximum 12 points)


You’ll get points based on your age on the day we get your application.

年龄 Age 得分 Points
Under 18 周岁或以下 0
18-35 12
36 11
37 10
38 9
39 8
40 7
41 6
42 5
43 4
44 3
45 2
46 1
47周岁及以上 and older 0

项目五:工作机会(满分10) Factor5: Arranged Employment in Canada Points (maximum 10 points)

若要获得此项分数,申请人必须从加拿大雇主处获得为期至少1年的工作录用。该工作必须属于加拿大国家职业划分 NOC0/1/2/3类,且必须是连续、带薪、全职、非季节性的。并满足以下任一情况:





  • 国际协定(如北美自由贸易协定),或
  • 对加拿大有重大利益,或
  • 联邦-省级协定


  • 工作许可在申请和获批永久居留权时是有效状态(或在获批永久居留权时可在加拿大豁免工作许可合法就业
  • 雇主为作为技术工人申请人,提供有效工作录用函
  • 申请人正在为工作许可上注明的加拿大雇主工作
  • 申请人已为该雇主连续全职或兼职工作至少1年



  • 申请人目前没有有效工签,或在获批永久居留权之前不打算在加拿大就业
  • 雇主获批劳动力市场影响评估LMIA
  • 基于以上劳动力市场评估LMIA,雇主为被认定为技术工人申请人提供有效工作录用



  • 申请人持有有效工签,或被允许在豁免工签条件下在加拿大合法就业
  • 目前在加拿大从事的工作不受劳动力市场影响评估LMIA限制,但该豁免不基于国际协议、联邦-省级协议,或对加拿大有重大利益
  • 有其他获批劳动力市场影响评估LMIA的雇主基于该劳工批文,为被认定为技术工人申请人提供有效工作录用

You can get points if you have a job offer of at least 1 year from a Canadian employer. You must get the job offer before you apply to come to Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker.

A valid job offer has to be:

  • for continuous, paid, full-time work (minimum of 30 hours/week) that is: not seasonal and for at least 1 year
  • in an occupation listed in TEER category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the NOC.

Situation 1

You currently work in Canada on a work permit and you meet all of the following conditions:

  • Your work permit is valid both when you apply and when the permanent resident visa is issued (or you’re allowed to work in Canada without a work permit when your visa is issued).
  • We issued your work permit based on a positive labour market impact assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada in an occupation listed in TEER category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the NOC.
  • You’re working for an employer named on your work permit.
  • That employer has made a valid job offer based on you being accepted as a skilled worker.

Situation 2

You currently work in Canada in a job that is exempt from the LMIA requirement because of 1 of the following:

  • an international agreement (such as, the North American Free Trade Agreement) or
  • significant benefit to Canadian interests or
  • a federal-provincial agreement

You must also meet all of the following conditions:

  • Your work permit is valid both when you apply and when the permanent resident visa is issued (or you’re allowed to work in Canada without a permit when your permanent resident visa is issued).
  • Your current employer has made a valid job offer based on you being accepted as a skilled worker.
  • You are currently working for the employer specified on your work permit.
  • You have been working for that employer for at least 1 year, continuous full-time or part-time equivalent.

Situation 3

You must meet all of the following conditions:

  • You currently don’t have a work permit, or don’t plan to work in Canada before you get a permanent resident visa.
  • An employer has a LMIA.
  • That employer has made you a valid job offer based on that LMIA and on you being accepted as a skilled worker.

Situation 4

You must meet all of the following conditions:

  • You have a valid work permit or are allowed to work in Canada without a work permit.
  • You’re currently working in Canada in a job that is exempt from a LMIA, but it is not under an international, federal-provincial agreement or because of significant benefit to Canadian interests.
  • An employer other than the one you are currently working for: has a LMIA, and has made you a valid job offer based on that LMIA and on you being accepted as a skilled worker.

项目六:适应能力(满分10) Factor6: Adaptability Points (maximum 10 points)


适应能力 满分10分























You and your spouse or common-law partner who will immigrate with you to Canada can earn points for adaptability. You and your spouse can earn a maximum of 10 points by combining any of the elements below. These elements assess how well you and your spouse are likely to settle in Canada.

Adaptability Maximum 10 points

Your spouse or partner’s language level

Your spouse or common-law partner has a language level in either English or French at CLB4 level or higher in all 4 language abilities (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

To get these points, you must submit your spouse or common-law partner’s test results from an approved agency when you apply. The language tests are valid for 2 years after the date of the test result. They must be valid on the day you apply for permanent residence.


Your past studies in Canada

You completed at least 2 academic years of full-time study (in a program at least 2 years long) at a secondary or post-secondary school in Canada.

Full-time study means at least 15 hours of classes per week. You must have stayed in good academic standing (as set out by the school) during that time.


Your spouse or partner’s past studies in Canada

Your spouse or common-law partner completed at least 2 academic years of full-time study (in a program at least 2 years long) at a secondary or post-secondary school in Canada.

Full-time study means at least 15 hours of classes per week, and your spouse or partner must have stayed in good academic standing (as set out by the school) during that time.


Your past work in Canada

You did at least 1 year of full-time work in Canada:

  • In a job listed in TEER category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the NOC
  • And, with a valid work permit, or while authorized to work in Canada

Your spouse or common-law partner’s past work in Canada

Your spouse or partner did at least 1 year of full-time work in Canada on a valid work permit or while authorized to work in Canada.


Arranged employment in Canada

You earned points for having arranged employment.


Relatives in Canada

You, or your spouse or common-law partner, have a relative who is:

  • living in Canada
  • 18 years or older and
  • a Canadian citizen or permanent resident

This relative must be a:

  • parent
  • grandparent
  • child
  • grandchild
  • your or your spouse’s sibling (child of your or your spouse’s parent)
  • your or your spouse’s aunt or uncle (by blood or marriage)
  • your or your spouse’s niece or nephew (grandchild of your or your spouse’s parent)

联邦技术移民六项打分计算器 FSW Eligibility Points Calculator

A. 主申请人核心分数 Core/Human Capital Factors CRS 六项打分
年龄 1 年龄:(满分12分)
学历 2 学历:(满分25分)

3 语言:(满分24+4)
第二语言 如果您第一语言选了英语考试,第二语言请选择法语考试,反之亦然


海外工作经验在主申请人核心分数中不算分,但是在后续适应能力分数中可能加分。 工作经验必须是近10年以内的、NOC 职业列表里的0、A或者B类

4 工作经验: (满分15分)
B. 配偶因素 Spouse factors CRS

C. 适应能力分数(交叉计算项) Skill Transferability Factors CRS
教育背景x语言能力 您的得分:
教育背景x加拿大工作经验 您的得分:
海外(包括中国)工作经验x语言能力 您的得分:
海外工作经验x加拿大工作经验 您的得分:
5 工作安排:(满分10分)
D. 附加分 Addtional points CRS



法语达到 CLB7 以上会自动产生附加分。您的得分: 0分

6 适应性:(满分10分)


