父母及祖父母担保移民 Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP)


The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) exists to reunite families in Canada. This unique Immigration program allowing both Canadian citizens and PR to sponsor their own parents and grandparents for Canadian permanent residence.

父母及祖父母 Consultation in Posts (#15)


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Information on the PGP 2024 is not yet available. Please sign up to our email list (below) to remain up to date on PGP 2024 developments.

The PGP 2023 application intake has ended. IRCC has invited 24,200 potential sponsors to apply to sponsor their parents and grandparents; with the goal of receiving 15,000 complete applications. For the 2023 edition of the PGP, IRCC only considered candidates who submitted an interest to sponsor form on its website between noon ET on October 13, 2020 and noon ET on November 3, 2020.

什么是父母及祖父母移民项目?What is the Parens and Grandparens Program (PGP)?


Canadian citizens and permanent residents are able to sponsor their parents and grandparents to immigrate to Canada. Parents and grandparents approved under this program receive Canadian permanent residence and may eventually be able to apply for Canadian citizenship.

In order to be sponsored, parents or grandparents must be related to the sponsor by blood or adoption. In addition to this, they will need to pass a medical examination, be criminally admissible and provide biometrics.

父母及祖父母担保移民有哪些福利?What are the benefits of the PGP?


Your parents and grandparents can enjoy the full benefits of Canadian permanent residence including being able to work in Canada, obtain health care, get full protection under Canadian law and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and apply to become a Canadian citizen once they meet the eligibility criteria.

哪些人可以担保父母及祖父母团聚移民?Who can sponsor their parents or grandparents under the PGP?


  • 是加拿大公民、永久居民,或根据《加拿大印第安人法案》注册的印第安人;
  • 已收到移民申请邀请含;
  • 年满至少18周岁;
  • 居住在加拿大;
  • 有足够的收入满足被担保父母或祖父母的安置需求;并且
  • 满足《移民和难民保护法案》及《移民和难民保护法规》下的所有其他要求。

In order to sponsor your parents or grandparents under the PGP, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act
  • have received an Invitation to apply;
  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • live in Canada;
  • have sufficient income to meet the needs of your parents and grandparents to be sponsored; and
  • meet all other requirements under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.

哪些人不可以担保父母及祖父母团聚移民?Who can not sponsor their parents or grandparents?


  • 未满18周岁;
  • 在申请担保父母和/或祖父母时,或被担保的父母和/或祖父母成为永久居民时不在加拿大居住(作为担保人,申请人的主要住址必须在申请以及批复前都在加拿大);
  • 不是加拿大公民、加拿大永久居民,或加拿大注册印第安人;
  • 持签证或许可在加拿大访问、学习、工作的临时居民;
  • 永居申请仍在审理中(担保人在提交申请时必须已有加拿大永居身份);
  • 无法证明其收入达到所需的最低必要收入(MNI)。


  • 处于监狱、监禁或惩教所中;
  • 未偿清移民贷款、未履行保证金义务,或未拖欠包括赡养费或抚养费在内的法院令指定的家庭支持款项;
  • 未履行过去担保亲属时所签署担保协议中规定的财务义务;
  • 宣布破产,且尚未收到法院的清偿令(破产程序仍在进行中);
  • 因非残疾原因接受社会援助;
  • 被判有暴力犯罪、针对亲属的任何犯罪或在加拿大境内外的任何性犯罪;
  • 由于收到递解令而必须离境,不能合法留在加拿大。


Individuals are not eligible to sponsor a parent and/or grandparent if they:

  • Are less than 18 years old;
  • Will not live in Canada when applying to sponsor the parent and/or grandparent and/or when the sponsored parent and/or grandparent becomes a permanent resident (A a potential sponsor, an applicant’s primary residential address must be in Canada at the time of applying and until a decision is made on the application);
  • Are not Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, or a registered Indian in Canada;
  • Are a temporary resident who is visiting, studying or working in Canada on a visa or permit;
  • Have a permanent residence application that is still in process (A potential sponsor must have permanent resident status at the time of submitting the sponsorship application).
  • Cannot show proof of income that demonstrates they has the required Minimum Necessary Income (MNI).

In addition, individuals may not be eligible to sponsor a parent and grandparent if they:

  • Are in jail, prison, or penitentiary
  • Did not pay back an immigration loan, a performance bond, court-ordered family support payments such as alimony or child support
  • Did not give the financial support they agreed to when signing a sponsorship agreement to sponsor a relative in the past
  • Declared bankruptcy and are not discharged
  • Receive social assistance for a reason other than a disability
  • Were convicted of a violent criminal offence, any offence against a relative or any sexual offence inside or outside Canada
  • Cannot legally stay in Canada and must leave the country because they received a Removal Order.

IRCC may have additional reasons for considering a person ineligible to sponsor a parent and/or grandparent.

担保人有哪些持续性的义务责任?What are my ongoing obligations if I sponsor under the PGP?



Those wishing to sponsor their parents or grandparents under the PGP will need to sign an undertaking with IRCC. For sponsors residing outside the province of Quebec, this undertaking commits you to providing financial support for your sponsored family members for 20 years from the date they become a permanent resident of Canada.

In addition to this, you will need to repay any provincial social assistance your sponsored family member receives during the 20-year period. The undertaking also requires you to provide for the basic needs of your sponsored family members, including food, clothing utilities etc.

For sponsors residing in the province of Quebec, the undertaking is for a duration of 10 years from the date your sponsored family members become permanent residents of Canada.

担保父母或祖父母需要提供多少收入证明?How much income do I need to show to sponsor under the PGP?


You must have exceeded the Minimum Necessary Income (MNI) requirement set by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for each of the past 3 taxation years before the date that you submit your application. The Minimum Necessary Income requirement is different for sponsors living in Quebec. Your MNI is assessed based on your Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment.

The following table shows Minimum Necessary Income requirements for the 2023 Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) if you live outside of Quebec:

Size of Family Unit
MNI 2022
MNI 2021
MNI 2020
2 $43,082加币 $32,898加币 $32,270加币
3 $52,965加币 $40,444加币 $39,672加币
4 $64,306加币 $49,109加币 $48,167加币
5 $72,935加币 $55,694加币 $54,630加币
6 $82,259加币 $62,814加币 $61,613加币
7 $91,582加币 $69,934加币 $68,598加币
Each additional person
$9,324加币 $7,120加币 $6,985加币

担保人是否始终需要符合财务要求?Do I need to meet the financial requirement throughout the entire processing?


For the 2024 intake, your 2023, 2022 and 2021 income will be assessed to make sure you reach the minimum income cut-off. IRCC have not commented on whether they will request updated proof of income before an application will be finalized.

领取失业保险和紧急综援福利是否依旧可以提供担保?Can I sponsor if I have collected EI and/or CERB?


Yes. EI and CERB are not regarded as social assistance by IRCC. You still must meet the Minimum Necessary Income requirement which is based on the total size of your family (which includes the number of parents, grandparents, and dependents you wish to sponsor).

配偶或同居伴侣能否支持我的担保?Can my spouse or common-law partner support my PGP application?


Yes. Your spouse or common-law partner can act as a co-signer on your PGP application. If your spouse or common-law partner acts as a co-signer on your application, you can use their income to meet the minimum income cut-off. Your spouse or common-law partner must also sign an undertaking to provide financial support for your parent or grandparents.

我能否担保超过一位父母或祖父母移民?Can I sponsor more than one parent or grandparent?


Yes. You may sponsor more than one person in your PGP application. To do this, you will need to submit separate applications for each person (or couple) that you sponsor. IRCC will process these applications individually.

Note that if you do choose to sponsor more than one person in your application, you will need to meet the relevant income requirements for the total number of people sponsored.

我能否担保岳父母或岳祖父母申请移民?Can I sponsor my in-laws under the PGP?


No. You cannot sponsor your in-laws under the PGP. You can however act as a co-signer on your spouse’s PGP sponsorship application so long as your spouse meets the eligibility criteria as a sponsor.

父母或祖父母是否需要工作邀请才能被担保?Do my parents or grandparents need a job offer?


No. Your parents or grandparents do not need to have a job offer to be sponsored. Likewise, they have no obligation to work in Canada after becoming permanent residents through the PGP.

父母或祖父母是否需要提供语言测试?Do my parents or grandparents need to demonstrate language proficiency?


No. Your parents or grandparents do not need to demonstrate English or French language proficiency.

兄弟姐妹能否被包含在申请当中?Can I include my brothers and sisters in a PGP application?


You can include eligible brothers and sisters in a PGP application. To be eligible, your brothers and sisters must be under the age of 22 at the time the application is submitted or be financially dependent on your parents or grandparent due to a mental or physical condition.

如果我现在不在加拿大,还能担保父母或祖父母吗?Can I sponsor if I am currently outside of Canada?


No. To sponsor your parents or grandparents under the PGP, the sponsor must be residing in Canada. This means that your primary residential address must be in Canada at the time the application is submitted, until a decision is made on the application.

等待批复期间,我是否可以离境加拿大?Can I leave Canada during the processing of my PGP Application?


No. To sponsor your parents or grandparents under the PGP, the sponsor must be residing in Canada. This means that your primary residential address must be in Canada at the time the application is submitted, until a decision is made on the application.

能否担保有严重健康问题的父母或祖父母移民?Can I sponsor my parents and grandparents if they have a serious medical condition?


  • 对公共卫生构成威胁;
  • 对公共安全构成威胁;或
  • 对健卫或社会服务造成过渡负担。

The Canadian government has the authority to determine that a parent or grandparent is not allowed to enter Canada on health grounds if the person:

  • poses a danger to public health
  • poses a danger to public safety or
  • places excessive demand on health or social services.

政府如何抽取有意担保父母或祖父母的候选人?How are interest to sponsor forms selected from the PGP portal?


Interest to sponsor forms are selected randomly from the PGP portal. If selected, the applicant will receive an email with a confirmation number. This confirmation number must be quoted when submitting the full application to sponsor your parent or grandparent.

我如何能收到移民部的移民申请邀请函?How do I receive an Invitation to Apply under the PGP?


In order to receive an invitation to apply, the sponsor must first submit an interest to sponsor form to the IRCC PGP portal. The PGP portal accepts new interest to sponsor forms periodically throughout the year. The PGP portal is currently closed.

递交担保意向表,我需要准备哪些材料?What documents for an interest to sponsor form to the PGP pool?


You do not need to submit any documents when submitting an interest to sponsor form to the PGP portal. Instead, you will need to provide information to show you meet the eligibility requirements of the PGP program. This includes information on you as the sponsor, your family and the parents or grandparents you wish to sponsor. You should also be prepared to declare your income for the last 3 tax years.

需要准备哪些材料,用于提交加拿大永居申请?What document for an application for PR under the PGP?


  • 完整填写的申请表格;
  • 担保人在加拿大的合法身份证明;
  • 担保人在加拿大的实际居住证明;
  • 民事身份证件;
  • 证明您在提交申请前的三个纳税年度满足最低必要收入标准(MNI)的证明;
  • 被担保父母和祖父母18岁以后,所有居住超过六个月或以上的国家或地区警方的无犯罪证明;
  • 被担保父母和祖父母的医疗体检报告;
  • 相关政府费缴付证明;
  • 数码照片。

If you have received an invitation to apply for the PGP, you must submit an application to sponsor your parents and grandparents. As part of this application, you can expect to submit the following:

  • Completed application forms;
  • Proof of status in Canada;
  • Proof of physical presence in Canada;
  • Civil status documents;
  • Proof you meet the minimum income cut-off for the 3 tax years prior to submitting the application;
  • Police Certificate and Clearances from all countries your parent or grandparent has lived in for six months or longer past the age of 18;
  • Medical certificate for your parent and grandparent;
  • Proof of payment for applicable government fees;
  • Digital photo.

如何递交父母及祖父母担保移民申请?How do I submit an application to the PGP?


All applications must be submitted online via IRCC’s new permanent residence application portal. Only those suffering from a disability which prevents them from applying online can request an exemption to submit a paper-based application. This exemption is applied for via email and must be made as soon as possible after receiving the invitation to apply.

收到邀请后有多长时间递交移民申请?How long do I have to submit an application after receiving an ITA?


A full PGP sponsorship application must be submitted within 60 days of receiving the invitation to apply. The deadline to submit will be indicated on the invitation to apply letter you received from IRCC.

父母及祖父母担保移民政府费是多少?What are the processing fees to apply under the PGP?


There are no processing fees to submit an interest to sponsor form to the PGP portal. However, if you have received an invitation to apply, you must remit application processing fees as part of the application. The processing fees are $1050 per adult to be sponsored and $150 for any dependent child included in the application. In addition to this, there is a biometrics fee of $85 for one person or $170 for 2 or more people.

父母及祖父母担保移民的审理周期是多久?How long will my PGP application take to be processed?


Current estimated processing times as per IRCC for PGP applications range between 20 to 24 months.

父母及祖父母超级签证是什么?What is the Parents and Grandparents Super Visa?



  • 加拿大居住的子女或孙子女发出的邀请函;
  • 文件证明子女或孙子女满足加拿大家庭最低必要收入标准(MNI);
  • 与子女或孙子女的亲属关系证明文件(如出生证明,注明父母子女关系);
  • 证明已购买加拿大保险公司至少一年期的医疗保险。


If you did not receive an invitation to apply from the last round of invitations, you can still invite your parents and grandparents to visit for up to 2 years at a time through the super visa program. Canadian citizens and/or permanent residents have another option to bring a parent or grandparent to Canada.

The Super Visa Program allows parents and grandparents to come to Canada as long-term visitors on a multi-entry visa that remains valid for up to 10 years. Unlike standard visitor visas, a Super Visa allows visa holders to stay in Canada for up to five years at a time to Canada.

To be eligible for the Super Visa program, parents and grandparents must meet standard visitor visa requirements. In addition, they must:

  • Provide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada;
  • Show that the sponsor in Canada meets minimum income requirements;
  • Prove they have purchased Canadian health insurance for at least one year; and
  • Complete an immigration medical examination.

Depending on their nationality, parents/grandparents may require a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) in addition to the Super Visa.


