调档与签证官笔记 Access to Information and GCMS Notes



GCMS Notes can be obtained to receive more detailed information regarding your application status and progress from IRCC.

GCMS notes are one of the few methods by which applicants can apply for, to get the most granular updates available on their application; including the immigration office and officer processing their application, and application status and reason for status.

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概述 Overview



A Global Case Management System (GCMS) Note, is an information file that can be requested by applicants for temporary residence (visitor visas, study permits, work permits) or permanent residence (Express Entry, Provincial Nomination Program, Family Sponsorship etc.) from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), available under the Access to Information Act (ATI).

The GCMS is IRCC’s global internal system for managing and evaluating applications. It is also used by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Applicants can request a note from their file on the GCMS, to get updates on their application.

Applicants can request a GCMS note, as soon as their application has surpassed the R10 completeness check, which is the amount of time the processing office takes to assess whether all necessary documents are included in your application (note this is just a completeness check and does not indicate the application has been assessed yet). This time varies depending on the processing standard for each application.

签证官笔记包含了哪些信息 What information is on the GCMS note?


  • 申请的详细信息(何时收到申请、何时开始审核、被分配到审核该案件的签证官代码、审理状态及其原因);
  • 移民部收集到的有关申请人的任何信息;以及
  • 任何被授权的第三方向移民部提交的信息。

On the GCMS note, applicants can see an expansive amount of information, encompassing everything they have submitted, and that IRCC has gathered in relation to the application. This includes:

  • Information on their application (including when the application was received, when it was opened, the code of the immigration officer who is assigned to the application, application status, and reason for status, etc.);
  • Any information IRCC has gathered about the applicant; and
  • Any information submitted by a third-party representative to IRCC.

谁可以调档申请笔记 Who can apply for a GCMS note?


  • 加拿大公民或永久居民;或
  • 居住在加拿大境内的个人。


Anyone who has an application with IRCC and CBSA, and whose application has passed the R-10 completeness stage can potentially apply for a GCMS. However, to obtain a GCMS note one must first submit and Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) request, under the ATI. To submit an ATIP one must be:

  • Either a Canadian citizen or permanent resident; or
  • An individual residing within Canada.

Applicants outside of Canada can still apply for GCMS notes through use of a representative who is either a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, or corporation in Canada. This representative will then apply on the applicant’s behalf for an ATIP and will have to complete the Consent for an Access to Information and Personal Information Request form.

如何调档获取笔记 How to obtain a GCMS note?


As mentioned, the first step to obtaining a GCMS note is to file an ATIP with IRCC. This can be applied for online or by mail. To apply applicants will need their application number and are encouraged to input their Unique Client Identifier (UCI) for faster processing. There is also a processing fee of $5 CAD which can be paid online.

Under the Access to Information Act, all ATIP requests to IRCC must be responded to within 30 days. However, this time limit can be extended for specific reasons like if the request requires many files to be lifted, or if the demands of the specific request do not allow reasonable processing within the allotted 30 days. If this occurs IRCC will reach out to the ATIP requester to provide an update.

调档操作教程 DIY Tutorial

首先,申请人需要填写完整的调档同意书 IMM5744 并签字。其次,委托一位加拿大公民或永久居民协助您获取信息。随后,点击此处进入调档申请页面。点按 “继续 Next”

勾选 “同意”,之后会出现代理人信息填写界面。




如实填写申请人信息,包括:姓名、生日、独一客户识别码 UCI、签证类型、调档类型、以及签证或移民申请号 Application Number等。


上传由申请人填写并签字的调档同意书 IMM5744(必传),以及护照首页和拒签信等材料(选传)。注意每个附件的大小需要不超过 2 个MB。


核对所有信息,无误后点选 “继续 Next” 进入缴费界面。输入信用卡信息并点击 “支付 Process Transaction” 后,若缴费成功界面会显示付款凭证。调档完成后,邮箱里会收到一封调档确认函,其中包含本次调档的追踪码 Tracking Number 和收据;请妥善保存备用。

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