加拿大永久居民软登陆 Soft Landing as a PR in Canada



Soft landings give new Canadian permanent residents (PRs) the opportunity to better prepare themselves for an eventual permanent move to Canada. 

Explore what a soft landing is, who can perform one, the pros and cons of the procedure, and much more.

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软登陆概览 Soft Landing Overview

A soft landing is a procedure that allows all foreign nationals with a valid Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) to come to Canada prior to their permanent move. During a soft landing, incoming PRs will be able to complete their immigration processes and get a head start on building their new life in this country.

First, this page will cover what a soft landing is and discuss who is eligible to perform a soft landing. Secondly, there will be a discussion about the documents required for a soft landing, which will be followed by a list of pros and cons related to this procedure. UtoImmigration will then provide a look into what can be accomplished during a soft landing, including getting a PR card, opening a bank account and more.

Finally, this page will conclude with an FAQ after addressing a common concern among incoming Permanent Residents who are considering a soft landing – whether doing a soft landing will create problems when it is time to move to Canada permanently.

在加拿大是否可以软登陆 Is a soft landing possible in Canada?

A soft landing is a way for new Canadian immigrants to briefly visit Canada prior to their permanent move. This gives you the opportunity to complete your immigration processing and jump-start your new Canadian life.

A more detailed discussion of exactly what can be accomplished during a soft landing will follow later but, for now, it is important to know that soft landings are not only legal, but they are also the right of any foreign national that possesses a valid CoPR.

谁可以进行软登陆 Who can do a soft landing?

A soft landing can be performed by any foreign national who possesses the following:

  • A valid CoPR
  • A permissible medical test result
  • A valid visa

软登陆所需文件有哪些 What documents do I need for a soft landing?

To perform a soft landing, foreign nationals must have the following things: Valid CoPR and Valid foreign passport and IM-1 visa if needed. Beyond a valid passport, new Canadian immigrants who are not from visa-exempt countries receive a single-entry IM-1 visa. This visa expires on the one-year anniversary of the recipient’s medical result.

资金证明 Proof of Funds

Proof of settlement funds, upon entry into Canada for the first time, is required for incoming PRs who qualified for immigration to this country through the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program, the Federal Skilled Trades (FST) Program and/or a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Proof of funds can be established using cash, bank drafts, traveler’s cheques, or an official letter from a bank.

表格 Forms B4 & B4A

These forms allow Canadian newcomers to avoid paying duties on the belongings they bring from their home country to Canada. In particular, the B4A form is crucial for a soft landing because it must include all belongings you intend to bring into Canada, both at the time of your soft landing and when you move to Canada later.

软登陆加拿大的优势 What are the advantages of doing a soft landing?

There are many benefits to performing a soft landing before your permanent move to Canada.

Among them is that a soft landing gives new immigrants the chance to get their PR card prior to the time they immigrate here (more on this later). Additionally, because there is no limit to how long you can spend in Canada during a soft landing, this time also provides an opportunity for newcomers to familiarize themselves with their new community. Whether this involves finding the right neighbourhood to reside in or exploring the city you’ve already chosen to settle in, soft landings are a good opportunity to prepare yourself for an eventual permanent move to Canada.

Because soft landings involve an eventual return to your home country, they also provide an opportunity for newcomers to continue working in their home country as they attempt to find a job in Canada from abroad.

Returning to your home country after a soft landing will enable you to continue working in your existing job until you’re ready to move to Canada permanently (see FAQ below). This will help you grow your savings, which will be beneficial when you move to Canada permanently. Further, if you return to your home country in possession of your PR card and Social Insurance Number (SIN), you may also appear more appealing to prospective Canadian employers. This is because employers in this country tend to prefer hiring Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

软登陆加拿大的劣势 What are the disadvantages of doing a soft landing?

While there are many benefits to a soft landing, performing one can also carry high up-front costs for newcomers. Instead of flying to Canada once for your permanent move to the country, soft landings will require that you incur the added cost of an extra flight to and from your home country. Additionally, you will be required to pay for any expenses related to accommodation, food and other necessities during your soft landing.

In order to be eligible for PR renewal, immigrants must be physically present in Canada for at least two of the five years (730 total days) that their card is valid. Additionally, to eventually apply for Canadian citizenship, PRs must be physically present in Canada for at least three years (1095 total days) within the five years prior to submitting their application. The ability to fulfill these residence requirements is compromised by a soft landing because soft landings require newcomers to eventually return back to their home country.

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