加拿大省提名项目终极指南 Canada Provincial Nominee Immigration Programs Ultimate Guide







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Under a shared jurisdiction between Ottawa and the provinces, Canada operates a two-tiered immigration system, offering programs for skilled workers, at both federal and provincial levels.

Through a network of Nominee Programs (PNP), almost all of Canada’s ten provinces and three territories can nominate skilled worker candidates for admission to Canada with the specific skills required by their local economies.

Successful candidates who receive a provincial or territorial nomination can then apply for Canadian permanent residence through federal immigration authorities.

This is an important component of all provincial programs. Many provinces also run their own categories under the Canada Express Entry System. As a result, the provinces have an increasing role in the selection of economic immigrants.

In some instances, candidates who do not qualify under one of the federal programs may qualify for admission to Canada under a PNP. Some candidates may also qualify for a temporary work permit in the interim, allowing for early entry to Canada for the applicant and their accompanying dependents.

Many of the large provincial programs face problems with processing delays. Canada attracts considerable interest from potential new immigrants, far surpassing the processing capacity of immigration programs.

The Canada Express Entry system has successfully tackled processing delays, while many of the provinces are now choosing to open and close their popular streams periodically throughout the year to avoid large backlogs.

省提名概览 PNP Overview

省提名申请流程 Provincial Nominee Program Application Process

常见问题 FAQs

省提名项目是指 What are Provincial Nominee Programs?



Each province, apart from Quebec and Nunavut, operates several PNP streams. These streams are designed by the provinces to help meet their unique immigration goals, so the eligibility criteria and application procedures vary. However, PNPs are a popular option because they can be the easiest pathway to get permanent residence card.

All decisions regarding Canadian permanent residence must be approved at the national level by the federal government, so Canada’s provinces cannot approve permanent resident status on their own. This is why the provincial programs are considered “nominee” programs.

A successful applicant to a PNP will be nominated by the province to apply to the federal government for permanent residence. This means that immigrating to Canada through a PNP is always step one in a two-part process. First, an interested immigrant is approved at the provincial level and then they must apply to the federal level.

加拿大省份及地区 Provinces and Territories


Each of Canada’s provinces and territories, apart from Nunavut and Quebec, operates its own unique Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) designed to meet its economic and demographic needs. Program requirements and application procedures vary greatly between provinces, so interested applicants should consult each of the provinces to determine their eligibility.

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如何申请省提名 How to apply for a Provincial Nominee Program in Canada?


  1. 查找合适的省提名项目 :查阅上文中提及的省份和地区,确定理想的移民目的地。逐项了解每个省提名项目的要求和条件,以确定申请人的申请资格。
  2. 递交省提名申请 :直接向申请人所选择的省或地区提交省提名申请。
  3. 获得省提名证书:如果申请人的申请成功,省或地区将提名申请人递交加拿大永久居留权申请。
  4. 提交永久居留申请:向加拿大联邦政府申请永久居留权。如果申请人通过快速通道省提名项目递交移民申请,可以在线递交申请。如果通过普通纸质省提名项目递交移民申请,则必须提交纸质申请。

Step-by-Step guide to applying to a Canadian PNP:

  1. Find the PNP that is right for you: Consult the list of provinces and territories at the top of this page to determine where you would like to immigrate. Make sure to check the requirements for each PNP to determine your eligibility.
  2. Apply to your chosen PNP: Submit an application directly to your chosen province or territory.
  3. Obtain a Provincial Nomination certificate: If your application is successful, the province or territory will nominate you to apply for Canadian permanent residence.
  4. Submit your application for permanent residence: Apply to the Canadian federal government for permanent residence. If your chosen PNP is aligned with Express Entry, you can do this online. If not, you must submit a paper-based application.

通过普通纸质省提名申请移民 Apply PR through the ‘base’ PNP process


  1. 申请人向该省移民厅递交申请材料,该省移民厅通过材料审核发放提名状;
  2. 申请人将提名状及有关材料通过在线移民申请门户网站递交至联邦移民局审核。联邦根据申请人居住意向、体检结果、无犯罪记录、背调及安全调查等因素进行审核。一般情况下,获取省提名状的申请人在联邦审核阶段不会被拒。


Some PNPs do not require an Express Entry profile to apply. These programs are called ‘base’ PNPs. While the nomination process is different for each program, the general process is essentially:

  1. Apply for nomination;
  2. If nominated, apply for Canadian permanent residence through Permanent Residence Portal.

Once you have been nominated by a Canadian province or territory, you can submit your application for Canadian permanent residence to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada through IRCC’s online Permanent Residence Portal.

Base PNP permanent residence applications take much longer to process than electronic applications submitted through Express Entry. While the average processing time for a permanent resident application submitted through Express Entry is 6 months, a paper-based application is processed in an average of 18-24 months.

通过快速通道省提名移民 Apply PR through the Express Entry Process

  1. 申请人查询各省具体哪些省提名项目与联邦快速通道对接,例如:目前阿尔伯塔省和魁北克省没有对接项目。继而申请人需要符合联邦技术移民、加拿大经验类移民或联邦技工类移民条件之一,并在快速通道系统中创建账户继而建档入池;
  2. 申请特定的快速通道省提名项目;
  3. 收到该省移民厅发放的省提名状;
  4. 收到联邦快速通道中的600 分额外加分;
  5. 等待收到邀请递交移民申请;
  6. 通过快速通道系统递交移民申请。


某些省提名项目,在申请人满足条件时即可递交省提名申请;某些省提名项目,需要申请人先通过意愿表达系统 EOI 入池进行打分排序,优秀的申请人将获邀递交省提名申请;某些省提名项目将直接通知快速通道池中的候选人递交省提名申请,或正式填表进入该省意愿表达系统 EOI。


  1. Create an account and submit an Express Entry profile;
  2. Apply to an Express Entry-aligned PNP;
  3. Receive an Express Entry stream nomination;
  4. Confirm the Express Entry on your profile and receive 600 additional points;
  5. Wait to receive an invitation for permanent residence;
  6. Apply for Canadian permanent residence through the Express Entry system.

As all PNPs are different, the process for applying and receiving a nomination through the Express Entry system varies depending on the program.

Some PNPs always accept applications from qualified applicants, so if you are qualified for the PNP you can submit whenever you are ready. Other PNPs use an Expression of Interest (EOI) system, where qualified applicants submit a profile that is ranked on a points-based system for the chance to receive an invitation to apply for nomination. Finally, some PNPs invite foreign nationals to submit applications, either by selecting candidates directly from the Express Entry pool or by having interested individuals submit a formal Expression of Interest.

The PNP application process can be confusing, and applications can be refused if they are submitted incorrectly or if they are incomplete. Applicants should take care to ensure that applications are completed correctly and submitted through the proper channel.

如何通过快速通道省提名移民 How many PNPs are there in Canada?


Each of Canada’s provinces and territories, except Quebec and Nunavut, operate its own PNP program with several streams. Altogether, there are more than 80 different provincial nominee programs.

快速通道省提名项目 Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs



In 2015, Canada introduced Express Entry as a system to manage applications for permanent residence through same major economic immigration programs. Since then, many Canadian provinces and territories have developed ‘enhanced’ PNP streams that are aligned with Express Entry. This means that some PNPs require that an applicant have an Express Entry profile in order to meet the PNP eligibility requirements.

If an applicant is nominated through a PNP which is aligned with Express Entry, the applicant can then claim 600 additional Express Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points, virtually guaranteeing they will receive an invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence in the next Express Entry draw. Alternately, if an applicant receives a nomination through a PNP which is not aligned with Express Entry, then they must submit a non-Express Entry federal application for permanent residence as a provincial nominee. Non-Express Entry federal applications for permanent residence can take significantly longer to process than electronic Express Entry applications.

通过省提名项目移民的费用成本 How much does it cost to immigrate through a PNP?


  • 语言测试:平均300加币
  • 学历认证(如适用):平均200加币
  • 生物信息采集(录指纹):85加币/每人
  • 移民审理政府费:1325加币/成人;225加币/儿童
  • 体检:平均450加币/成人;250加币/儿童
  • 无犯罪证明:平均100加币/国家
  • 省提名申请分:最高1500加币


The cost of immigrating through a Provincial Nominee Program is about $2,300 to $3,800 CAD, depending on the program you are immigrating through. Some provinces do not charge applicants processing fees, whereas other provinces, such as Ontario, charge as much as $1,500 CAD.

  • Language tests: Average cost – $300
  • Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) (if applicable): Average cost – $200
  • Biometrics: $85/person
  • Government fees: $1,325/adult & $225/child
  • Medical examination fees: average cost – $450/adult & $250/child
  • Police clearance certificates: average cost – $100/country
  • Provincial Nominee Program processing fees: Up to $1500 CAD

Total cost: Between $2,300 to $3,800 CAD

没有工作机会能否通过省提名移民 Can I immigrate through a PNP without a job offer?


There are many Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) for overseas candidates without a job offer in Canada. These programs typically target candidates with skills or work experience that can help the province respond to labour market or demographic gaps.

我是否有资格申请省提名 Am I eligible for a Canadian PNP?




If you have a connection to a province or work experience or skills that are indicated as in-demand, you may be eligible for a Canadian PNP.

The eligibility factors for PNPs vary from province to province. As PNPs are a part of an economic immigration strategy, they are usually organized in such a way that they attract workers who can readily contribute to the economy and who have a high likelihood of remaining in that province. Therefore, some PNPs prioritize immigrants who have experience in occupations that are in-demand in that province. Other PNPs prefer immigrants who have a connection to the province, like a relative, as this increases the chance that they will remain in the province.

As with most economic immigration programs, young applicants who possess strong language skills, high levels of education, and skilled work experience are better suited to succeed. Otherwise, it is necessary to consult the above-mentioned list of PNPs in order to determine the eligibility factors for each program individually.

省提名项目申请条件 What are the requirements for Canada’s PNPs?


Provinces and territories are often looking for applicants with work experience that meets the needs of their specific labour market, often in addition to other language and education requirements.

Each province sets their own eligibility requirements for language proficiency, education, and skill set. In order to qualify, you must also demonstrate that you will be able to contribute to the local economy and have a genuine intention to settle in that province or territory.

省提名申请审理周期 What is the processing time for a PNP application?



Processing times for nomination applications vary from one province to the next, but it typically takes a few months. Applying for Canadian permanent residence through a PNP program is a two-step process. First, you must apply to the province. Once that has been approved, you must then submit your application to the federal government. Only the federal government can grant you Canadian PR.  The processing time for your permanent residence application will depend on whether you submitted a ‘base’ or ‘enhanced’ PNP application.

This tool can help you find out the processing time at the federal level.

如不符合快速通道入池条件,能否申请省提名 Can I qualify for a PNP if I don’t qualify for Express Entry?



Many PNPs require that applicants have an active profile in the Express Entry pool. However, there are exceptions to this where some provinces issue nominations to applicants who do not have Express Entry eligibility. These programs vary in their eligibility requirements, so it is best to consult with a representative to discuss your eligibility. All PNPs resulting in a nomination require that the applicant then submit a permanent resident application to the federal government.

If the PNP is not aligned with Express Entry, the federal permanent residency application must be submitted through a different portal, or by paper. A non-Express Entry PNP application is typically subject to longer processing times.

省提名项目的打分方式 How are Provincial Nominee Program points calculated?



Since each province set their own eligibility requirements, they use different points systems to determine who can apply or receive an invitation. Points are typically based on a combination of age, work experience, education, language, and connections to the province. Not all nominee programs use a points system to rank their candidates.

To calculate your PNP points, you first need to understand the eligibility criteria of the provincial program you are applying through, and if, and how they award points to potential nominee candidates. If the program you are applying under uses a points system, you can then calculate your points against each factor to determine your score.

如何提升被提名的概率 How can I increase my chances of receiving a nomination?



Just by submitting an Express Entry profile, you can increase your chances of receiving a provincial nomination. Provinces frequently scan the Express Entry pool and invite profiles that help respond to labour or demographic gaps. Ensuring your profile is strong and indicates your interest in multiple provinces can also help increase your chances of being invited through an Express Entry PNP.

Since many PNPs require candidates to have a connection to the province, studying or working in Canada can also help to increase your chances.

理想的被提名人是怎样的 What is the ideal PNP candidate?


  • 目标省份的强关联性(例如:在该省完成学院或累积工作经验、获得工作机会、有近亲属等)
  • 目标省份紧缺岗位工作经验
  • 具有较强的英语能力
  • 精通法语

The ideal PNP candidate is one that has work experience and skills that help a province respond to labour market or demographic needs. Other factors that may increase one’s chances include:

  • Strong ties to the host province (ex. previous work experience, job offer, previous studies, family)
  • Work experience in an in-demand occupation
  • Strong English proficiency
  • Proficiency in French

语言能力对提名的影响 How does my IELTS score affect my PNP chances?


Many provinces consider an applicant’s language exam score when determining eligibility, or whether a candidate receives an invitation in a PNP draw. Most programs will consider this in their minimum eligibility requirements, or as part of their scoring criteria if applicable.

是否需要学历认证 Do I need an ECA report for PNPs?


Most PNPs require an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to demonstrate the Canadian equivalence of an applicant’s foreign credentials. To verify whether you need an ECA, you should check the eligibility requirements for the program you are applying under. Some provinces also require that you authorize the organization to share the results of your ECA report with the PNP.

收到邀请提交省提名申请意味着什么 What does it mean to be invited to apply by a provincial nominee program?


An Invitation to Apply (also referred to as a Notification of Interest or Letter of Interest) is essentially an invitation from a province to apply for nomination. When issuing an invitation, provinces will also provide applicants with a deadline that they need to submit the application by. The deadline will vary depending on the program an applicant is invited through.

省提名申请机制与流程 How does the PNP application process work?


The PNP application process will vary depending on the program an applicant is applying through. There are three main types of PNP processes:

1. 意向表达系统-根据条件打分择优 Expression of Interest (EOI) process


Some provinces require eligible candidates to first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) profile to the program’s pool of candidates. The province then holds Expression of Interest draws, where they invite candidates to apply for nomination. The criteria of these draws usually change from draw to draw. The draws may target a combination of a candidate’s score on the province’s points grid, work experience in a particular occupation, language ability, or highest education level.

Examples of programs that operate using an EOI system include Prince Edward Island Express Entry stream, Saskatchewan Occupation In-Demand and Express Entry streams, and Manitoba’s Skilled Worker streams.

2. 被动邀请-被动等待获邀申请 Notification of Interest (NOI) process


Other nominee programs invite candidates directly from the Express Entry pool without them even having applied. These programs typically target candidates with certain work experience or skills that respond to labour market needs. Examples of programs that send Notifications of Interest to candidates in the Express Entry pool include Ontario’s Human Capital Priorities and French-Speaker stream, Nova Scotia’s Labour Market Priorities stream, Alberta Express Entry stream

3. 满足条件即可申请-主动提交省提名申请 Apply directly to the program


Certain programs allow eligible candidates to apply directly for nomination. Examples of programs like this include NSNP Skilled Worker Stream, BC PNP International Post-Graduate stream, the Alberta Opportunity Stream, and New Brunswick’s Skilled Worker stream.

省提名申请材料清单 Documents required for a PNP


  • 申请表(填写申请表格IMM0008、填写背景声明IMM5669、填写旅行历史IMM5562、填写家庭信息表IMM5406;其他补充申请表,例如:技术类省提名 Schedule4、商业类省提名 Schedule4A、魁省移民 Schedule5)
  • 语言能力测试成绩(魁省外以NOC-TEERC/D技能岗位获取的省提名状,需提交满足CLB4级语言证明)
  • 学历评估认证报告
  • 工作经验证明
  • 安家资金证明
  • 身份文件(护照需要彩色高清扫描:首页、签名页、凡带有签证或出入境章的页面;两张符合照片要求的照片、出生证明、结婚/同居证明、子女材料、无犯罪记录证明等)
  • 合法身份证明文件(工签、省提名状等)


Candidates must provide documentation that demonstrates their eligibility for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) they are applying to. Most provinces typically require:

  • language results
  • educational credential assessment (ECA) reports
  • proof of work experience
  • proof of settlement funds
  • civil documents; and
  • status documents

Many PNPs also require proof that the applicant intends to reside in their province upon being nominated. Other required documents will depend on the program you are applying under.

针对医护工作者的省提名项目 Canadian PNPs for healthcare professionals


  • 卑诗省医疗保健专业人士通道
  • 新斯科舍省医师通道
  • 新斯科舍省劳动力市场优先类别-医师通道
  • 萨省健卫专业人士通道

Healthcare workers are in high demand. For this reason, many provinces offer PNPs specifically for healthcare workers. Examples of PNPs for healthcare professionals include:

  • BC Healthcare Professional
  • Nova Scotia Physicians
  • Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities for Physicians
  • Saskatchewan Health Professionals

针对国际学生的省提名项目 Canadian PNPs for international students


  • 阿尔伯塔外籍毕业生企业家通道
  • 阿尔伯塔毕业生企业家通道
  • 卑诗省国际毕业生通道
  • 卑诗省国际硕博毕业生通道
  • 曼尼托巴国际教育类别
  • 新斯科舍国际毕业生企业家通道
  • 安省雇主担保-国际学生通道
  • 安省硕士毕业生通道
  • 安省博士毕业生通道
  • 爱德华王子岛国际毕业生通道
  • 萨斯喀彻温学生通道

Canada views international students are the ideal immigrant. To retain international graduates, there are several Provincial Nominee Programs offered to international graduates across Canada. Examples of programs for international graduates include:

  • Alberta Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
  • Alberta Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
  • British Columbia International Graduate
  • British Columbia International Post-Graduate
  • Manitoba International Education Stream
  • Nova Scotia International Graduate Entrepreneur
  • Ontario International Students with a Job Offer
  • Ontario Masters Graduate
  • Ontario PhD Graduate
  • PEI International Graduate
  • Saskatchewan Students

针对IT人才的省提名项目 Canadian PNPs for IT professionals


Canada’s tech sector is booming. To meet growing industry demand, provinces offer programs specifically for IT professionals. Examples of PNPs for IT professionals include:

针对企业家的省提名项目 Canadian PNPs for entrepreneurs


  • 阿尔伯塔外籍毕业生企业家移民
  • 卑诗省企业家移民
  • 曼尼托巴企业家移民
  • 曼尼托巴农场投资移民
  • 新不伦瑞克企业家移民
  • 新不伦瑞克国际毕业生企业家移民
  • 西北地区企业家移民
  • 新斯科舍企业家移民
  • 安省企业家移民
  • 爱德华王子岛工作许可通道
  • 萨省企业家移民
  • 萨省农场主与经营者移民
  • 育空商业提名项目

Provinces across Canada welcome foreign entrepreneurs for their ability to stimulate the economy and create jobs for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Examples of PNPs for entrepreneurs include:

  • Alberta Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
  • British Columbia Entrepreneur Immigration Stream
  • Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway
  • Manitoba Farm Investor Pathway
  • New Brunswick Entrepreneurial stream
  • Newfoundland International Graduate Entrepreneur category
  • Northwest Territories Entrepreneur
  • Nova Scotia Entrepreneur stream
  • Ontario Entrepreneur stream
  • PEI Work Permit Stream
  • Saskatchewan Entrepreneur
  • Saskatchewan Farm Owners and Operators
  • Yukon Business Nominee

无工作经验能否通过省提名移民 Do I need work experience to immigrate through a PNP?


Most Provincial Nominee Programs require at least one year of work experience to apply. However, some nominee programs designed for post-graduate students do not require work experience or a job offer to apply. Examples of these programs include the Ontario Masters & PhD Graduate stream, and the British Columbia International Post-Graduate stream.

无语言成绩能否通过省提名移民 Can I immigrate through a PNP without IELTS or CELPIP?


Almost all PNPs require candidates to take a designated French or English language exam to demonstrate their proficiency in one of Canada’s official languages. If you are planning to immigrate to a particular province, you should check the language requirements for the program you are interested in to determine what level of language proficiency is required.



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